If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 43 [Hello World]

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Well, hello world/How you been?/Good to see you, my old friend/Sometimes I feel cold as steel/Broken like I'm never gonna heal/I see a light,/A little hole,/And a little girl/Well, hello world~Lady Antebellum – Hello World

We stared at each other unblinking for a while, shock and utter excitement taking over just thinking of what this means. We were speechless, a tenfold of emotions pulling us under and smothering us. Will smiled with a huge goofy grin as he cupped my face, running his thumb over my cheek, the moment beautiful.

That is until the small sharp pain that stabbed me in my lower body, the feel I knew nothing compared to what was to come but it still had me sucking in a sharp breath that instantly set everything into place and had us moving.

Will was standing in a flash at the edge of our bed as he held out his hand his body to unable stop pumping with adrenaline and fidgeting. A tidal wave of emotions washed over us; excitement and anxiety the main of the two.

“Do you want me to carry you?” Will asked, his words tumbling together in an anxious adrenaline fuelled question.

I smiled faintly shaking my head as I cupped his face and drew him near as I gave him a loving kiss, letting my lips linger until I could feel his body relax beneath me. “It’s okay, I can walk.” I murmured softly.

Will nodded “Okay,” he said breathlessly kissing the top of my head before pulling his bedside draw open and pulling out his wallet, keys and mobile and then grabbing my handbag. “The baby bag and all that is in the Ute already.” He said reassuringly, most likely for his own benefit since I already knew. We've been ready and waiting for our gem for quite some time.

I smiled faintly, rubbing my stomach soothingly; just the simplest of touches being connected to our treasure had my shoulders relaxing and a huge smile on my face. I honestly I couldn’t wait to finally be able to nurse and hold our treasure instead of nursing our ultrasound photos or giant stomach. I just couldn’t wait; my body was trembling with utter glee and excitement. Plus the added nerves and adrenaline.

I left Will in his frantic state and made my way down the stairs knowing that by the time I got down the stairs he’d be there instantly, it wouldn’t take him long to catch up to me, the waddling penguin. Especially as I was taking on the stairs.

Before I could even take the first step Will was bundling me up in his arms “Oh no you don't.” He growled in distaste making me squeal in shock and laughter, my arms curling around his neck like some fifties black and white movie.

Will rushed us down the stairs in a blur, not caring to shut off the lights in the house but having at least enough sense to shut the front door. In a rush he made his way to the car and buckling me in “Now do you feel alright? Any pain? Contractions, aren’t you meant to be having contractions?” Will fretted seemingto have completely forgotten all about the countless information and books he'd absorbed desperately, he was fretting more with this pregnancy than me.

I shook my head breathlessly “They aren’t anything closer or serious, its okay sweetie, just calm down.” I murmured squeezing his hand reassuringly.

That didn't stop him from though from crouching down and kissing my swollen belly “Now you patient you hear me little gem? Just ‘till we get to the hospital.” He murmured rubbing his hand along my stomach.

I smiled rolling my eyes and before I knew it Will was diving into the driver’s seat and we were pulling out of the driveway and racing down the drive. “Will sweetie calm down, it’s alright.” I soothed grabbing a hand of his hand twining our fingers as I rest it on my stomach.

If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - A Werewolf NovelWhere stories live. Discover now