Prideful Tragedy

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To die would've been a more seductive option than to come out of Kyungsoo's unconscious state only to feel the sheer pain and agony that shot through his body like constant gun fire. He felt broken and the unconscious state he was previously induced into by the fall interfered with his vision, creating a dark environment for minutes on end despite the conscious feeling of being able to blink. He could hear voices around him, distorted and faint, yet his hearing was far better than his sight.

Seconds dragged on with no mercy from the clawing of his nerves before Kyungsoo felt someone put their arm under the back of his neck and legs as if to lift him, but later, a shout bore through his ears and the attempt to hold him ceased. His lips created no audible sound until the first sight of light pierced through his eyes and he could finally see those around him in a blurry fashion, but it wasn't until he could hear himself gasping and crying that he realized there were wet drops forming around the rim of his eyes.

Baekhyun was crouched over him with a look of raw fear and panic, and it was a face that Kyungsoo had never seen before. He tried to lift a hand to reach the brunet's face, but the movement pained him even more so, causing him to cry out in pain, sobbing. He felt paralyzed, hurt, and broken. The feeling of the hard, wet ground was the only thing he could feel besides the raging fire moving through his body burning all of his nerves to oblivion.

The ringing in his ears simmered and the distorted voices became clearer. His blurry and dim vision ceased and he slowly attained normal status, but it was all in bad sin as it did not comfort him any more than it made him extra aware and sensitive to his situation.

"Baek..." The syllable slipped past his lips, but then it was drowned in the sobbing that continued to follow and override all other attempts to speak.

The brunet attempted to touch him, to comfort him, but when he saw the good that it lacked, he bit his lips and let the giant hold him by the shoulders, pulling him up beside him. Kyungsoo's eyes focused on the couple and his teeth grit harder. The reason for the feeling of suffocation became blurred between his injuries as the fact that Chanyeol's hands were rested on his best friend.

The injured president's attention only snapped when he was suddenly hoisted up into the arms of the last face he saw before his fall from grace. He shut his eyes and bit his lips tight to keep himself from yelling. Inhaling breaths of air was a relief, but his breathing was difficult and curt .

"Take him to the nurse, but be careful." Kyungsoo's eyes swayed in the direction of the teacher present. "Kyungsoo, it'll be okay. Jongin's just going to carry you to the medical office, alright?"

Looking around, he saw the way Baekhyun was conflicted on the issue as to whether he should follow or not, and silently, Kyungsoo pleaded that the brunet would leave the giant's side, but as Jongin's steps separated them farther and farther apart, the president's candle of hope flickered out as Baekhyun made the decision to stay with the athlete.



Kyungsoo's parents were called, and he, himself, was heavily advised to leave for medical purposes such as checking to find whether or not he had a concussion despite how unlikely it was at that point. He was given painkillers, but it wasn't enough to numb him from enjoying the sadistic shots of pain that lingered. Then, by the swollenness of his right foot, it was clear that he had sprained his ankle, and it wasn't something to rejoice about.

Lying on his cabin bed, which he had been ordered to stay in for the time being until his guardians made their way to the camp, Kyungsoo glared at the dark, wooden ceiling, burning hate like a raging wild fire that would not heed.

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