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Gigi and I went to the adoption center. We pulled up after being in the car for ten minutes and got out. All the girls were lined. Gigi went to this 10 looking year old girl." I'm Marisa and I LOVE being grumpy!" She said and Gigi stayed with me. We saw these two identical twins. They had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. The caretaker said their names were Emmi and Ella-Grace. I loved the way their names made my heart feel;happy. We asked the caretaker,"we want to adopt Emmi and Ella Grace." Gigi said. So the caretaker packed their bag of clothes,toys,and their blankets. She gave us carseats and we paid. Gigi stopped at the store and bought the girls their favorite foods like hot dogs and mashed potatoes and for dessert,brownies.

We tucked Emmi and Ella Grace into the bed with Gigi and I. I cuddled Gigi while I slept.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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