Chapter 34: Protectors

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You and Dan were walking through the lobby to get outside. You were looking at Dan and accidentally ran into two men, a tall one, and a shirt one. A gun fell out of the tall one's pocket. "Madeline. Come with me." Dan was walking with the shorter one. "Uh, ok. But please don't kill me or Dan," you pleaded. He laughed a little.

The four of you walked outside. "We don't want to hurt you, but help you," the shorter one said. "How do you know who I am?" you asked. "Don't worry about that. I'm Will, and this is Woody," the taller one introduced. "We have had our past with Phil, you stepdad Madeline. We also have had friends turn on us because of him," Woody explained. You noticed a huge scar on Will's jawline. "Is that how that happened?" you pointed at his scar. "Yeah, now we know how vicious him and his gang are. You are trying to begin and new life, and that's a good start. But you will need people to watch out for them. We are willing to do that for free," Will explained. "Uh, so you'll be like our bodyguards?" Dan asked. "You won't notice we are even there," Woody exclaimed. "We just want to keep the two of you safe. Someone I love was killed because of them," he began to tear up. "Thank you," you and Dan exclaimed.

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