Chapter Ninety Seven

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Walking in badger form was weird for Eleanor, as she continuously kicked off dirt and leaves off her back paws. She hated the feeling of dirt on her feet in human form, and it was immediately a hundred times worse as a badger.

"I'm going to have to get some knitted socks for these nights." she thought to herself.

"Okay, it's bad enough you three came out adorable, but if we add knitwear, Moony is going to pass out laughing every full moon." Sirius barked back to her.

That was another thing that Eleanor had to get used to. The fact that they could all communicate in their animal forms, leaving her thoughts not as private as she wished them to be.

Fred and George seemed to be having a good time in their animagus forms as they hopped and ran around. Eleanor watched them in amusement as Fred pounced on George only to be smacked by George's little hands.

She sat down, only to have Sirius sit down beside her, wagging his tail in amusement.

"Is this what you all did when you first transformed?" she questioned looking to the fluffy black dog beside her.

"Well, the first time we transformed was short live because Nixie couldn't stop laughing at us." Sirius admitted. "Apparently she thought it was too funny that I was a dog and James was a stag. She called us Fluffy and Bambi..."

"I can definitely see that." Eleanor mused to herself.

"But the first time we tried it out, we were all pretty cautious, unsure of how your father was going to take it. And he did well with us. Mind you it was before the Wolfsbane potion, so he wasn't fully Remus, but we were able to communicate with him to keep him calm. But it also turned into a mess when we roamed the grounds the first time."


"He tried to attack Nixie."

"He did?" Eleanor's eyes went wide.

"Well, we weren't sure how he was going to respond to mermaids as they are classified as beasts too, but I think they're too human because all he wanted to do was bite and attack. So needless to say, it did not work out well. But at least we learned and no one was hurt..except me."


"He hurt my paw." Sirius whined lifting his paw. "And my back was wrecked for a little while. He's strong in that form."

Eleanor swallowed as her claws scratched at the dirt.

"Don't worry, Little Lupin, your father won't hurt you. He has the wolfsbane potion."

"He said even though he has the potion, some nights he just gets frustrated with himself."

"Well, with you and those two as company, I'm sure he'll find himself a lot happier."

"I'm excited."

"You should be and you three should be very proud of yourselves as well. It is not an easy task to become an animagus, and you three did brilliantly."

"You think my dad is going to be mad at the fact that we did this in the first place?"

"He'll probably be in shock and maybe a little upset that we lied to him, but don't worry about it. He'll get over it. Your father doesn't stay mad at anything for long and he certainly wouldn't stay mad at you."

Eleanor nodded her head. "Well, we better stop those two before they kill each other."

Sirius let out a loud bark in the twins direction stopping the two and their antics.

Eleanor was doing well as she followed behind, but after a couple of minutes walking through the forest, the same nauseous feeling she felt with the mandrake leaf in her mouth. She slowed down a bit, falling behind, before she came to a full stop as she felt dizzy.


She felt fur nuzzle into her side and saw Fred sitting beside her, a nervous glance in his eyes as he looked down at her.

"Are you alright, love?"

"I'm fine-" She couldn't even bring herself to lie fully as she felt the dizzy feeling again. She lowered herself to the ground, laying down and closing her eyes trying to ignore the sickly feeling. Sirius and George ran over and soon Eleanor was back in her human form lying on the forest ground.

The other men wasted no time transforming back to their normal selves and kneeling down at Eleanor's side.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked in a slight panic as he reached a hand to her forehead. "You're burning up."

"I don't feel so good." Eleanor said struggling to push herself up. However as soon as she was up on her hands and knees, she proceeded to vomit.

"Oh that's not a good sign." Sirius frowned. "Alright, Little Lupin, let's get you up. We should probably bring her to a Healer."

Fred helped Eleanor up to her feet, before picking her up into his arms.

"It's alright, Ellie, I got you. Everything is going to be alright."

"Fred I..I.."

"What..." Fred suddenly grimaced as Eleanor threw up on him. "Uh..that's okay, I didn't even like this shirt."

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