just have know these things

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^as rouge started clean up the place she put boys on the couch while they waited for her to finish up*

Shadow:*looks like about pass out any minute.*

Sonic: you okay shadow?

Shadow: I'm just tired, that's all.

Sonic: well you did try sneak off.

Shadow: I know okay,

Sonic: what you think were going to do?

Shadow: i dunno, but I don't care.

Sonic: just go sleep shadow, rouge and knuckles will carry you.

Shadow: okay if you say so sonic... *passes out on couch.*

Knuckles:*washing bowl out*

Rouge: thanks for the helping hand,knuckles.

Knuckles: oh its uh nothing really.

Rouge: *pours Cheerios in small plastic bag*

Knuckles: whats that for.

Rouge: oh just in case shadow gets hungry later.

Knuckles: he is being brattish.

Rouge: Hes just an baby knuckles,babies have temper tantrums, that why it not surprising with shadow hes grumpy and grouchy as an adult.

Knuckles: yeah you have an. point.

Rouge: you just have know these things, after all.

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