Chapter 2- Konoha?

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Sorry for the wait guys, had some problems with my iPad again. Stupid wifi.

Wendy's Pov
When I woke up, I saw that I was surrounded by trees. 'Where am I?' I thought. I started wandering around calling out to my friends.
" Carla! Natsu! Happy! Lucy! Is anyone there? " I started crying. ' Where is everyone? Did we all end up in different places? Or was I the only one who went through?' I thought still crying. I then heard a rustle in the trees.
" Who's there?" I shouted out. I heard another rustle behind me, and someone jumped out of the tress. Actually two people. One of the men started to talk but I interrupted him and attacked.
" Sky Dragon Roar!!!" I yelled and hit them both. I started running away scared. Soon enough the two men caught up to me after getting over their shock.
" Oh the youth of this young girl! I know I will make her my new apprentice next to Lee!!!" a man in a green spandex suit yelled out. The other man with silver- ish gray hair just slapped him on the head and walked up to me. I backed away with fright. I attacked them again.
" Sky Dragon Wing Attack!!!" I yelled, they were able to dodge that one. The man with silver came behind me and hit the back of my head knocking me out. ' Natsu... Save Me!!!' I thought then passed out.
* Time Skip brought to you by Wendy's cuteness*
I woke up again in an office wrapped up in chains. I struggled to get out of them. I stopped after a while and sniffed the air trying to get a familiar scent. After a while I smelled the scent of the silver haired man, dogs and pine, along with one I didn't recognize. I started getting scared again and try to think of what Natsu would do. ' Oh! I know I'll attack him again.' I thought. I got ready and then someone opened the door.
" Sky Dragon Roar!!!" I yelled out and another blast of wind hit them. They both moved out of the way barely dodging.
" How did you do that!?! Those are chakra restricting chains!" the silver haired man yelled. I was scared and probably showed it.
" Where am I? Where are Natsu and the others? What did you do do them?" I asked shakily.
" We will not answer until you answer our question. How did you do that? Those chains should stop you from using chakra," said the other man. He looked intimidating and scared me a lot, but I got confused when he said chakra.
" Uuummm, what is chakra?" I asked confused. They looked bewildered and looked at each other.
" Do you know where you are?" the intimidating one asked. I shook my head still scared.
" Well you're in Konoha. Do you know where that is?" He asked again. I shook my head now more confused than scared.' What is Konoha' I thought.

Wendy Marvell of Konoha Where stories live. Discover now