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It had been a couple months and I still wasn't sure what Murphy's plans were to make me his. The growing guilt inside me, though, told me that somewhere along the way I had fallen for Connor more then I relized. When I had agreed with Murphy to go along with his plan. It ate away at me while I spent the day with the boys going shopping.
"Lass ya ok?" Connor asked as we sat at the food court and i hadn't touched my food. I sighed. Knowing I needed to talk to Murphy and soon.
"Yeah, just thinking," I told him as I looked at Murphy. Connor eyed me then reached for my hand accrost the table.
"Ya havin a problem? Anyt'in' ya need 'elp wit' lass?" he asked consered. I looked up and smiled at him.
"No hun, I'm pretty sure I have it all figured out, but Thank you," I smiled and tried to eat my food.
We left the mall and the guys took me home. They sat lazily on the couch as I wiggled in beside them.
"Ya should try t'at nighty on ya picked up," Murphy eyed me pulling me in for a kiss. I smiled at him.
"You two would like that wouldn't you?" I asked looking between them. They both smiled.
"Aey! Brot'er i t'ink t'at's a good idea," Connor agreed. I rolled my eyes and got up.
"I'll yell when I'm ready," I told them taking my bags in my room. I picked up the Victoria Secerets box and opend it to the white baby doll outfit the boys had picked out, why white I had no idea, but thats the one they decied on so i got it. I slipped my clothes off and slipped the white langerai on to my small body. I looked at myself in the full lenght mirror and smiled. This would drive them wild. I opend the door.
"Ohh boys, I could use your assistance," I said innocently. I shut the door as I heard them running to the door. I got in position on the bed and the door swung open.
"Lass ya look like one of t'em angles in ta magazines," Connor said making his way over to my bed.
"Can't wait ta rip t'at off ya lass!" Murphy said darkly. I smiled.
"Well ya see boys that's why I called you in here, I need help getting it off," I smiled. The boys looked at each other and then back at me.Clothes went flying as they stripped down to their boxers and were on either side of me kissing and feeling at my body.
"Ohh yeah," I moaned as Murphy waisted no time running his hand up my leg to my center. Connor on the other hand was more sweet and kissed my neck and my lips working me up then gently massaged my brest. Murphy rubbed my center threw my new silk panties. I was soaked before I knew what was going on. Connor pulled my nighty up and ride me of it as his mouth found one of my brests and licked and sucked at it. Murphy was quick to rip the silk panties off me and I frowned they were brand new. Murphy smiled his dark smile up at me knowing I hated it when he ripped my clothes. The stopped their attack on my body and looked at each other and then me.
"How we doin t'is?" Connor asked Murphy looked at me then his brother.
"What end ye want?" He asked Connor. Connor eyed me, and moved between my legs.
"Ye had t'is end last time," Connor told Murphy
"Aye!" Murphy agreed.
"Wait!" I said clearly annoyed. They both looked at me. "What about what I want?" I asked. Connor smiled.
"An' wha' wou'd t'at be lass?" rubbing his hands on my thighs.
"I want my turn!" I smiled. They looked confused witch was all too normal for Murphy. I smiled and moved from my laying positon.
"Strip," I said and both of them were off the bed and freeing themselves from their boxers. "Now side my side at the end of the bed," I was enjoying being in command. They did as they were told and I licked my lips. Starting with Murphy I took him in my mouth twiring my tongue around the head of his dick and then taking him in. While I did this I took Connor in my hand and started stroking him slowly. After a little while I changed and gave Connor the same treatment with my mouth as I had done for Murphy and did the same stroking with my hand as I had done for Connor. It wasn't long before they were begging me to stop, before they exploded. I smiled happy with my work.
"Alright, now my next request," I trailed off blushing at what I was about to ask for.
"Lass?" Connor asked seeing my face.
"I want you both," I bit at my bottem lip
"Aye, lass," Murphy said. Connor looked at me like he was trying to read ky mind.
"Where lass?" He asked. I smiled and blushed.
"Inside me," I almost whispired. Murphy looked lost. Then smiled.
"Ya wanna be the cheese in a sandwich lass?" Connor smiled going to move behind me. My eyes widden.
"No," I almost yelled and then blushed. Connor looked at me.
"Lass ye know it will hurt, right?" he asked. I looked at him.
"It be worth it," I told him with a smile. Murphy looked lost still.
"What we doin?" he asked. Connor moved in to kiss me and then smiled.
"Spred 'em," he said to me with a smile. I smiled bitting my lip and spreding my legs as far apart as I could. Murphy was still lost.
"She wants us both brot'er," Connor told Murphy. Murphy looked from Connor to my legs spred far apart.
"Dirty lass," he smiled but looked like he would enjoy this. They both moved between my legs and Connor was the first one in, then Murphy. I cried out as my center was being streched Beyond its limits. They started slow one then the other. Like they could read each others movements. Pain ripped thew me as I struggled to enjoy what I asked for. Soon the pain was gone and it was the most amazing feeling in the world as I enjoyed this.
"Harder," I breathed They both smiled and started moving faster slaming me harder. It wasn't long after this amout of speed and attention I came. Seconds later hot fluid filled my center and the boys collapsed on me. I tired to lift my arms and I managed playing lazyily with their hair as we all waites for out breathing to normalize. A little while later they were both up.
"Dam lass, yer one hell of a woman!" Connor smiled happily. Murphy crawled in beside me wearing only his boxers. Claiming my lips.
"I love ya lass," he told me and i smiled. Connor was beside me the next second pulling me in to kiss him and I smiled more. I looked in to his sparkaly blue eyes, he looked like he wanted to say something, but just smiled at me.
I sat up and crawled to the end of the bed getting off and heading for the door.
"Where ye6 goin lass?" Murphy asked. I looked back at my guys laying lazily on my bed.
"Shower," I said as i walked out the door. I shut the door and was waiting on the water to warm up when I heard someone commin. The door opend and Murphy came in.
"Wheres Connor?" I asked.
"He went 'ome," Murphy told me.
"Why?" I asked sadly. Murphy looked at me hard.
"Said he 'ad stuff ta do," Murphy said. I looked at him I knew we needed to talk and now was the time. As I climbed in to the shower and Murphy was right after me.
"Murphy, I wanna talk," I told him wetting my hair to wash it. He looked at me as he got my loofa ready to wash my body.
"W'at is it lass?" he asked.
"Connor, I know you hate sharing and I know you don't want to anymore, but, Murphy," I sighted He had me pinned against the wall and I looked up at him to see the firey possetion in is eyes.
"Your mine," he growled and turned me around. My hands braced the wall as he teased my center with his fingers. His hot lips on my neck. I moaned out lowly, I loved when he was possesive like this. He was finnaly happy with my wetness and he pushed in. Slamming me had against the wall. As he took me by my permently brused hips and rode us both out till I screamed his name. He turned me around, my legs feeling like jello as he held me up.
"Bet Con can't make ya feel like t'at lass," he said in his normal, happy Murphy voice as he kissed my lips and got out of the shower. I finished my shower, in cold water and got out quickly to see Murphy was gone. I went to my room, but still not sign of him. I looked over the entire apartment, but nothing, no Murphy. I growled to myself as I went to get dressed for our night out.
I walked in to McGinty's a little while later to see Connor at the bar. I scanned the room but didn't see Murphy. I was puzzled and went to go see Connor. Two strong arms came around me and held me close.
"Lass ya miss me?" Murphy's voice was happy in my ear. I wiggled around to face him and he kissed me hard.
"Yes, was wondering where you went," I told him looking at him with a smile.
"Wanted ye ta be able ta get dressed an' ready wit' out me buggin ya," Murphy smiled. I smiled back and kissed him.
"Well that was sweet, but you didn't have to and you don't bug me! I'm gonna go say hey to Con," I smiled and tried to wiggle away.
"las I wouldn't he's in a bad mood," Murphy said to me. I eyed him.
"Well I'll go see if i can cheer him up!" I smiled trying to get away.
"Not a good idea las," Murphy held me tighter. I eyed him.
"What you do?" I asked annoyed, because when Connor left I'm positive he was in a good mood.
"W'y ye t'ink it was me?" Murphy looked at me annoyed.
"Ok if it wasn't you the let me go talk to him," I said calling his bluff.
"Ok las, but I warnned ye," Murphy said letting me go. I looked at him a minute and then walked up to Connor.
"Hey hun," I smiled at leaned in to kiss him. He pulled away.
"What ye want?" he barked at me. I looked at him confused.
"The fuck is your issue?" I asked annoyed.
"Murph told me," he said looking in to his drink. I growled.
"What he tell you?" I asked annoyed with Murphy.
"Ye didn't wanna share anymore, ye were done wit' me," he said lowly.
"That fuckin bastered I'm gonna kill him!" I snapped. Connor looked up at me. "I never said that, he's being a dickhead, because he don't wanna share anymore. Connor, I could never just throw you out like trash, I love being with you!" I admitted. As worried as I was in the begining. I had come to love everything about Connor. He looked at me.
"Lass," he smiled and leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and he pulled me into his arms. We broke our kiss and I smiled at him.
"But your brother on the other hand I'm going to kill," I got up and headed for Murphy. Connor was hot on my hells.
"The fuck is your issue Murphy?" I snapped him and the men around him went quiet.
"What?" he looked lost untill he saw Connor behind me. "Oh," he said again.
"Why can't you just fuckin stop!" I yelled. Some of the men left the circle and went to another place in the bar. He looked at me and then came closer.
"Las ya mine, ya said ya do it only if I was ok wit' it, I'm not ok." Murphy said looking at me. I just staired at him. He lied to Connor now he was telling me I had to break up with his brother. I said I would go along with his plan, but I never imagined this was it.
"Fuck you Murphy! You dont get to do that! You dont get to play with me like a toy!" I yelled and left the bar. I walked home and went straight to bed. I cried a long time. I head something a little while later and got up to see Connor sitting at the table.
"Las I'm sorry 'bout my brot'er," he said lowly and stood up and walked over to me. He hugged me tight. We parted and he looked at me. "What now?" he asked. i looked at him.
"He needs to apologize, or we are done," I said he looked at me.
"All of us?" he asked lowly. I looked at him.
"No hun not all of us, you didn't do anything to me," I said and hugged him again. He kissed my lips playfully and I smiled weakly.
"Las I know yer not in t'e mood, but I just like kissin' ya," he smiled sweetly. I smiled. Connor was being so sweet and he wasn't the one to blame here or take my anger out on. He hadn't been a possesive jerk. I felt betrayed by Murphy, how could he just tell me it was ok to be with his brother. Then tell me never mind. Sure I loved Murphy, but I thought I might love Connor too.
I looked at Connor more, realizing what I had just admitted to myself. I loved Connor too. I never planned on it or did it on purpose. It was never my goal to go from one brother to the next. Or just have them both. It just happend. I stepped closer to Connor.
"Your not the one who upset me and it's not fair for me to take my anger our on you. I said as I leaned and kissed him slow and sweet. Connor returned my kiss, and pulled me closer. When we parted he looked at me.
"Las, ya sure now?" He asked. I looked at him. Maybe it was rebound sex or I did love him. I didn't know at this point. All I knew was I needed him, I need to feel a little less used, then I was at this moment.
"Positive," I answered. With that Connor picked me up and brought me to the bedroom.

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