Chapter 24

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IVE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG OMG ITS BEEN OVER A YEAR. IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THIS STORY WAS ABOUT HERES A QUICK RECAP (or you could just read the story again, the chapters aren't that long):
Laura lives in a house with 7 other roommates, gets texts from a so called "daddy" and finds out it is liam. Gets in a fight with Liam because he let romy give him a blowjob. Liam leaves the house and comes back finding out Evan is Laura's new boyfriend. Evan has been Laura's boyfriend for a long time until he moves to the other side of the country. Evan gets in a fight with liam. Laura goes clubbing and meets Chris, Chris is gay. Laura gets home and there's another fight. Laura leaves and meets Chris again. Chris and his boyfriend offer Laura a place to stay for a while. Laura goes home packing stuff. Then Liam sees her and kisses her.


Liam is kissing me. I feel all sparkles but I know it's not good. I pull a bit back and look Liam in the eyes. "Don't tell me you didn't feel that too." He says. "You drive me crazy babygir-" he says before I cut him off by kissing him back.

"Wow wow wow, guys!" I hear Niall say when things get more heated. I cut of the kiss and look to my right. It's not only Niall standing there but also Elice and Louis. "Uhm oops?" Liam says smiling. "I'm.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this. I gotta pack my stuff now." "You're still going?" Liam asks me, sad. "Liam this was such a big mistake. Evan is my boyfriend. Evan will stay my boyfriend. We're not a thing. I'm leaving." I say when I walk to my room. "Oh, yea! Walk away to Evan, just like you always do!" Liam shouts. I don't even respond to it anymore. I probably will regret my decision someday. But that day is not today.

When I have all my stuff I leave the house quietly. I walk over to the adress Chris gave me and press the doorbell. "Hey.." a beautiful girl opens the door. "Uhm hey.. Does Chris live here?" "If I told you I should kill you.." she says all serious. "Uhm I'm sorry I guess this is the wrong adress then." I say when I step back. When I turn around she starts laughing. "Just kidding! My name is Sophie, you must be Laura, Chris told me you would come. I'm your new housemate!" She says smiling. I look at Sophie, she is a beautiful young lady. I would say she is around 20. "LAURA!" I hear someone scream from the inside. "FINALLY!" It's Chris. "Come in!" Sophie says when she steps aside.

When I'm all settled in my room I'm walking downstairs. The house is not too big, not too small. I think it's perfect for a little family or for 4 housemates. My room is just normal, I have a bed and a closet, that's it. It's not that I need more. When I walk into the livingroom I see Chris and Lucas all cozy on the couch and that makes me think about one specific person. Evan. Evan went beyond boundaries by punching Liam in the face. Evan doesn't make me happy. All I want to be with is Liam and I've known that this whole time but I couldn't just lose Evan. Evan was my boyfriend for such a long time, but sometimes long is long enough. This is a new place and that will mean a new experience. Evan is history. I should have left him behind in Sweden.

"Are you okay?" I hear Lucas ask me. I zone out of my thoughts and look at him. "Wh-what? Yes I'm fine." "Then why are you crying?" Chris asks me. I feel my cheeks, they're all wet. "Oh oops." I say smiling and drying them. "I think I just made an important decision. I should be happy." "What did you decide?" "I should break up with Evan."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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