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silhouette - the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a darker background, especially in dim light

may I just say that this opening is amazing and is by far the best Naruto Shippuden opening (opening 17 is also really good). this is really just something that I've been *yes* obsessed with and wanted to note that in this book lmao. IT'S JUST SO CATCHY ((somewhathappy you know what I mean)


*siiiiigh* soooo I'm in this chat with my internet friends, and one of them was feeling really down. But, when he's down, he gets angry and frustrated. We have this thing where we ask "how are you" because, well, i actually don't know why... 😂

Anyway, when my friend Jackson asked Will (the one who was down) how he was feeling, Will said "nothing. I'm fine". Obviously we were concerned because he just never gives an answer like that. Every time we tried asking him what was wrong, he would start typing in all caps or try to ignore us, pushing past the topic. He kept saying that it was nothing and threatened to leave that chat. I mean, I didn't want him to go because, he was my friend. I had made a strong bond with everyone in that chat, and having one of them leave was like having a friend move away. I didn't want that to happen, so I tried so hard to convince him to stay. In the end, he ending up staying and feeling better, but never told us what was really wrong. I mean, what if it was something really serious? What if he was too embarrassed to say anything? I do trust him enough to know that he is actually doing fine now, but I can't help but have these awful possibilities sprint through my head about his reason of sadness.

sorry for writing this and wasting your time. I just hadn't update in a "while" and thought that I should update.

here I am now, tired on my bed, about to pass out. Wellll goodnight!

05.31.16 // 10:51 pm

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