Chapter Three, Part One - Untitled

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Ringo wiped his hand across the foggy bathroom mirror. He smiled and waved at his reflection.

"Meeting yourself for the first time?" Paul spoke up and made his mate aware of his presence.

Ringo turned to Paul. "I can't get rid of him." He remarked dryly and pointed to himself in the mirror.

Paul chuckled and nodded his head. "Right." He smiled and crossed his arms over his chest. "Yesterday was something, wasn't it?"

"It was," He turned to stare at himself in the mirror and wondered if he could get away with not shaving today.

He continued, "But, it was nice to see the girls, yeah? Too bad they couldn't stay longer."

"It was," Ringo remarked absentmindedly and picked up his jar of shaving cream and unscrewed the lid. "Here to watch me shave?" He looked over at Paul.

"I have to make sure you don't accidentally -" He comically dragged his thumb from ear to ear.

Ringo laughed. "You haven't got to worry about that."

"It's too bad they couldn't stay longer. I didn't get a chance to talk with Charlie." He pointed out.

"But, I did? Not for long." He replied flatly. Now, Ringo knew why Paul was there, and it had nothing to do with dropping in to chat. He dipped his shaving brush into the jar and covered the bristles in white cream.

"You two seemed to hit it off." He chuckled.

Ringo covered the lower half of his face with shaving cream.

Paul continued, "She seemed to take a shining to you."

Ringo knew Paul would've felt different if he'd had heard his brief and somewhat awkward conversation with Charlie. "Did she?" He set down the jar and brush and picked up his doubled edged razor. Ringo carefully dragged the blades down the side of his face.

"Well, what would you say? Do you think she's interested?"  

Ringo didn't answer and continued to shave. 

"Ringo, she's one you've got to be careful about."

He felt his mate's warning didn't have anything to do with him being genuinely concerned. Ringo remained silent and wondered how long he could go without saying a word before his mate would notice.

"I'm not saying anything against her. It's just - it's just John, and I know her. So, be careful, yeah?" 

"Yeah, yeah." He dismissively replied. Ringo wasn't some lovelorn teen, and he knew how to handle himself around a woman. He didn't appreciate what he thought was Paul's false concern and underestimation of him.


"Yeah, yeah, yeah. She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah."

Charlie rolled her eyes. The Beatles were everywhere these days and that included Stan's kitchen.

"Good morning," He broadly grinned. "There's coffee on the -" 

She walked over the table where Stan was sitting and picked up the portable radio and turned it off. 

He laughed, "You can't be sick of hearing them already. I thought you liked The Beatles. You shared a bill with them." Stan pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's repetitive." She placed the radio back on the table.

Stan reached out and turned it back on. "I like it. It's catchy. You can sing to it." He smiled.

Love Is Strange - Ringo Starr Fan Fiction - Beatles Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang