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"Aiden!" Nick shouted, pounding on my bedroom door, "Aiden!"

Mental fog clouded my orientation as I flew upright in bed. I didn't remember falling asleep last night because I never intended to go to sleep. I had planned on staying up to track down Kai. My laptop was still open to my right, and a half empty glass of whiskey sat on the nightstand to my left. Goosebumps erupted along my bare arms from the chilly morning sea breeze blowing in from the open balcony doors. Wait.

I never leave the doors open. Let alone through the whole damn night.

"Aiden!" He shouted at the top of his lungs before the door burst open.

"What the hell, Nick? I was getting up. You didn't need to break my fucking door down." I said, still groggy as I unsteadily stood up from the bed. Lingering exhaustion weighted me down. My head spun like a hangover, but I didn't finish a single drink.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes frantically looking me up and down. He seemed out of breath, maybe even a little bit panicked.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I asked, confused.

A breath of relief exhaled from Nick's lungs, making me feel even more lost than before. Something wasn't right.

"Why are the doors open? It's freezing." He asked, ignoring my question.

"I don't know. They were wide open when I woke up just now." I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

He brought the glass of whiskey to his nose, "This was laced. You were drugged last night."

"I was alone last night. What is going on? Why did you just sniff my drink? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

"I hacked into Kai's phone and computer this morning. He had a video of someone in here last night while you were sleeping. He ordered them to shoot you. I heard the gunshot, and then, the video cut off." He explained, "I rushed over because I didn't know what to expect. You weren't answering your phone. I thought you were dead or close to it."

"Why the fuck...what would he do that for? What is he doing?" I cursed.

"I don't know, but get dressed. I was also able to track down the address."

That was all I needed to hear before I rushed around the room to get changed. I didn't have time to question how someone got in or who it was that helped Kai. My focus zeroed in on just getting to Bridget.

"Listen, you have to be compliant. If you fight him, it will be worse for Bridget. It is going to be hard. He is going to test you, but you have to suck it up and do as he says. That is what will bring her home the fastest. Do you understand?" Nick lectured while I buttoned up my shirt and rolled up my sleeves.

"I'm not a fucking child, Nick. I know how he works." I rolled my eyes.

A condescending laugh from him pushed at my patience to its limit. He followed me downstairs to continue his TED Talk behind me.

"You don't realise how much Bridget has fucked with your head. She's created a pressure point on you for Kai to poke and prod. Your humanity is in full swing, and he is using her to prove it. At least, acknowledge it to yourself before you go. Denial will only make you more vulnerable."

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