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Wanda had finally finished reading all the letters her brother has written for her. She remembered every word, promise and memory Pietro had said in the letters. Her heart was still aching from the loss of her brother, she couldn't deny that, but after reading the letters, Wanda felt like she had some closure with her brother.

She wiped the tears in her eyes and placed the letters back to the shoe box. Wanda stood up and placed the shoe box on the table that was on the left side of her room.

Wanda tried to find some papers and pens. She wanted to write to her brother too, even if he was already dead. She knew Pietro was watching down on her, protecting her from harm's way.

I mean, Pietro did promise her that, right? Big brothers don't leave their sisters just like that.

After minutes of rummaging every piece of cabinet in her room, she finally found a few pens and papers to write with. Wanda decided to only respond to three letters, the ones that meant so much to her. She was honestly surprised Pietro remembered those moments.

Wanda brought the stationery to her desk and took a deep breath. She grabbed a paper and pen to start her writing.

Dearest Pietro..

i hope im not the only one
who writes their thoughts
on paper when they have no
one to talk to, or basically
just doesnt want to bother

SINCERELY, YOUR BROTHER ⇋ MAXIMOFF TWINSWhere stories live. Discover now