Chapter 1

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"Jane?" I heard someone whisper. I look up to see Desiree, my best friend, standing in the doorway. I put the picture down and pat the bed next to me. Desiree walks over and sits down.

"Why?" Desiree asks.

"Why what?" I question.

"Why do you still think that your mother is alive? She died in a car crash. You went to her funeral Jane!" Desiree says. I knew she was going to ask sooner or later. I kinda wished it had been later.

"Because I feel it. I know that she's still alive because if she was dead a part of me would have died along with her!" I said getting up.

"Where are you going?" Desiree asked.

"A few days ago, dad gave me a box of mom's things that she wanted me to have. But I haven't had the heart to open them." I said grabbing the cardboard box and hauling it over to my bed. I sat down and started to open the box. The first thing that caught my eye was a journal. It looked kind of old to be honest.

"What is it?" Desiree questioned as I picked it up.

"I don't know." I was about to open it when my brother and his best friend barged into the room.

"Dad said you had a box of stuff that mom wanted you to have." Derek said hopefully. Derek, like me, also thought that mom was still alive. I nodded and he took a seat.

"Do I have to be here for this?" Zach, Derek's best friend, asked.

"Zachery..." Desiree said in a warning tone. I smirked. Desiree and Zach had been teetering on the line between friends and boyfriend/girlfriend since the 7th grade.

"You know that's not going to work on him..." Derek trailed off when Zach took a seat next to him.

"Okay, that's unfair. I can't even get him to do that." Derek said glaring at Desiree.

"Never underestimate the power of a female, dear brother." I said and Desiree smirked.

"Can you just open the box?" Zach said quickly.

"I already opened it. This was at the top and I was about to open it when you guys came in." I said waving the journal around.

"Well what are you waiting for? Open it!" Zach said. I opened it. The book seemed to glow.

"Whoa" we all said. It floated out of my hand and flipped to the last page. We all stood up. The words said "Clysacon Metara".

"Clysacon Metara" we all said. It was as if we were under a spell.

"Clysacon Metara" We chanted again. The book glowed radiantly. There was huge gust of wind around us as if we were in a tornado. There was a bright light and we started falling. We hit the ground. I opened my eyes to see we were in some sort of palace.

"Where are we?" Desiree asked. We all looked around. I saw some sort of movement behind a pillar of gold.

"Hello? Who's there?" I called out. I wasn't sure if the movement had been a person or I was just imagining it. My thought were interrupted when a girl came out. She had blonde and was wearing a purple dress with gold accents.

"Who are you? Where are we?" Derek yelled angrily. She jumped back from his loud voice.

"You're in the Dimension Library." She said softly. Derek burst out in laughter.

"Right, and the next thing your going to tell us is that magic is real." Derek said sarcastically.

"I suggest you not laugh if you want to know the truth about your mother." The girl said. Derek turned serious. Well, this girl gets straight to the point.

"What about my mother?" Derek asked.

"Well, first you laugh at me, then you ridicule magic, and you think I'm going to tell you" The girl said.

"Forgive my brother, he's a doofus." I said stepping forward. Derek glared at me.

"Fine, I will tell you, follow me." The girl said. The girl started walking away and we all followed.

"So, we never got your name." Desiree asked.

"My name is Melodonicita Caspenari." She said. We all gave her shocked looks.

"But you can call me Melody" She laughed.

"Okay well I'm Desiree, this is Zach, this is Derek, and this is Jane." Desiree said.

"Interesting." Melody said and opened a door.

"Your mother was a dimension traveler." Melody said.

"What's a dimension traveler exactly?" Derek said still not believing her.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I heard a voice say.

A/N: How do you like the first chapter of Dimension Travelers? Dedicated to @PinkSunFlower because she made that awesome cover you see up there. Oh, and the media up top is Melody except Melody has blonde hair.

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