Chapter 6

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"Jackson, I need to have a bath, because I have work tomorrow. Can I trust you not to destroy the house in the time it takes to have a bath?" I asked as Jackson was bouncing around the room in his now personalised trousers.

"Yes." He said as he continued racing around the room. I smiled as I went to my bedroom as I went to collect some clothes for myself to wear. I heard Jackson's light footsteps running around the room next door. I returned to him one final time. I decided to put cartoons on for him just in case he decided to sit down at some point. I went to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I filled the bath with hot water and poured a ton of bubble bath in.

I sat there in the water thinking about the past few days. It was hard to believe something like this could happen to someone as ordinary as me. I listened out for Jackson, still running around by the sounds of it. I wonder how he had that much energy. I heard him singing along to the SpongeBob theme tune. He must have sat down now to watch the TV.

I quickly washed my hair and body, before getting out the bath and putting on clean clothes. That's when I heard the front door open. "Hello? Christian? Are you home?" Dan's voice echoed.

"I am in the bathroom. Give me a second." I said, trying not to sound panicked, as he would soon see a 'not one hundred percent human', called Jackson. I stumbled out the bathroom to see Dan sat on the sofa watching SpongeBob. Jackson was no where in sight.

"I will just put these in the bedroom. Then I will cuddle with you." I said to my boyfriend as I calmly walked to the bedroom in the hopes Jackson was hiding there. I immediately looked under the bed to see a pile of Jackson's clothes and a very small cat sat on them. It had beautiful bright blue eyes. "Jackson?"

"Yes." The jet black cat replied. I jumped in surprise hitting my head on the bottom of the bed in the process. The cat ran up to me. "I am so sorry Sir. I forgot to mention I could talk in cat form. I am so sorry I scared you."

"Holy shit're a cat." I exclaimed the obvious.

"Meow?" Jackson replied, before bursting into a fit of laughter. "Anyways...who's the guy in the room?"

"Oh...that's" I said guiltily. It felt like I was admitting to Jackson that I was cheating on him or something. "His name is Daniel."

"Would you like me to stay in here and hide...or do you want to pretend you spontaneously bought a pet cat?" Jackson asked, before licking his paw. He was adorable.

"Pet cat option. No talking in front of Dan, okay?" I said, before scooping Jackson into my arms. He was so tiny; so cute.

"Meow meow meow and a meow." Jackson said, trying not laugh by putting his paws over his mouth.

"Considering you're a cat, you aren't doing a great job of being one." I said jokingly before we both burst out laughing. "Acting faces people. Acting faces." I said before carrying Jackson out to the living room.

"You took your time babe. Oh, who is this?" Dan said, as he got up inspecting Jackson's cat form. He petted Jackson's head. Jackson backed away a little bit, just before sneezing. "Aw that's adorable."

"I found him on the street the other night. He was freezing, so I took him in. I took him to the vet to be checked over and they said he was fine. There was just one problem with his ear, as he is deaf in it but aside from that, a perfectly healthy cat. So I decided to keep him as he needed a home." I explained. I wasn't completely lying.

"Well, he is adorable." Dan said before making his way into the kitchen. I put Jackson on the floor gently and gave him a little pat on the head, before following Dan. "I thought I would surprise you with dinner. I hope that's alright?" Dan said, as he rummaged through the carrier bags filled with ingredients.

" didn't have to." I said before kissing him.

"Well, I know you and the band have been struggling with creating your songs for tour and that you've all decided to have a few days off to rejuvenate. So I thought why not surprise you with dinner." Dan said. Dan's cooking was unbelievable. It was the best food I have ever tasted and I was genuinely happy to have him cook.

"I love you." I said, just before I kissed him.

"I love you too." He replied. "Go relax on the sofa. Dinner will be out in a bit."

"Alright chef." I said as I made my way back to the living room. Jackson was curled up on the sofa watching SpongeBob...surprise...surprise. I sat next to him and played with his paws. They were tiny. Jackson looked from the TV to me, he then stuck his tongue out. I stuck my tongue out back at him. "Ears?" I asked. He nodded. I played with his ears, well his right one mostly, as he could feel with that one. He giggled a little bit, before rolling onto his back, his belly on full display. I tickled his sides. He laughed quietly so Dan didn't hear him. He then jumped in my lap, and head-butted my chest.

I laughed at his actions. Not long after Dan came in with two plates of dinner. Jackson was curled up asleep on my lap so I shifted slightly so I could eat without waking him up. Me and Dan ate in silence while watching TV. Once we had finished eating he collected our plates as Jackson was still asleep on my lap.

"You've been distant recently." I said as he came back. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I thought it would be best to give you a little space to have a break from everything the last few days with the band situation. By the looks of it, it worked. You seem more like yourself, a lot happier too. Maybe a break from everything was exactly what you needed...and a cat, I am sure he helped too." Dan and I laughed.

"I do feel much better after a few days off. I was getting really stressed. It was nice to have a few days without a care in the world. And this guy cheered me up too." I gestured towards Jackson. Dan checked his watch.

"I had better head home. I hope dinner was alright." He said, before kissing me.

"It was lovely." Dan collected his things before giving me one last kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight." He said, before making his way out the door.

Jackson looked up at me. "I was awake the whole time." He claimed as he stretched. "Your lap is very comfortable might I add. Oh...I have a question."

"What might that be Jackson?" I said, looking at the little cat on my lap.

"Are you aware your boyfriend is a werewolf?"

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