Not Kitten, Lion Protector

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Chapter 35: not kitten, lion protector
-Bex p.o.v.-

"Bex? Are you sure you don't want to come down with me?" Lily asked standing at the door, looking at me unsure.

"Yes Lily," I told her again.

She sent me a worried look.

"I'll be fine, I didn't forget how to walk down a set of stairs when I fell." I rolled my eyes.

She finally got the point and left me alone in the room. Closing the door silently behind her and going down the steps into the common room.

When I was sure she was gone, I turned to the small kitten resting on my bed. I narrowed my eyes at him, watching him intently.

"Alright, cut the act. Andrew Blake told me all about the Guardian Angels thing. You can change back into human form."

The small kitten transformed immediately. In a blink of the eye the kitten had disappeared and sitting in his place was a boy.

I gasped, staring at him. My hand flew up to cover my mouth and out of instinct I took a step back.

The boy was tall and slender, he could have been 6'5" at least. His blonde hair looked golden as he moved into the sunlight coming through the window and his eyes were a bright blue. Such a dark blue that they looked like I was staring into the middle of the ocean. He gave a small sheepish grin, "hello. Nice to meet you."

I sent him a look.

"Alright, alright. I get it." He held his hands up in surrender.

"So you're Tucker?" I paused, "my cat?"

"That'd be me." He gave a cheerful grin.

"What's your real name?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He chuckled, "to you, it's Tucker. To people that actually know me? Sebastian." He gave a small bow, "it's nice to meet you m'lady."

I narrowed my eyes at his talking, his accent was strong and not from anywhere I knew of. "Where are you from?"

He looked down, suddenly interested in the floorboards. He rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled the answer.

My eyes widened in shock, "you what?" I exclaimed.

"I'm from the eighteen hundreds." He admitted. "I'm a bit different from Andy."

"Andy? You call Blake 'Andy'?"

He chuckled, "that's right. He doesn't enjoy the name that much. He'd rather be called Andrew." He cocked his head to the side and looked at me curiously. "Though, he enjoys being called Blake by you. Says it reminds him of someone he used to know."

"Someone he used to know? What do you mean?"

He chuckled, "so Andy hasn't told you everything about what we are like, huh? Interesting." He patted the spot next to him on the bed, gesturing for me to sit with him. Once I sat he continued, "you see, we weren't created as angels. We were born as humans, just like everyone else. But we died."

"But he said we were made for each other," I interrupted him.

"And you are. Just not in the way you thought." He explained. "When someone is born, they are given a destiny. Some do great things, some horrible, some just pass through. But we all have one. Andy's destiny was to become a guardian angel, he was fated to help someone to greatness, to guide you on your journey. When he died he was given the choice to follow his destiny and be your guardian or to go into the after life." Sebastian gave a small smile, "ever wonder why ghosts like you? They know you have an angel, he's quite famous with the ghosts."

"Blake's had other humans?" I questioned with a small frown.

"No; you are his first. His main goal. What he was made for." He gave a grin, "I, on the other hand have had many children. You are one of the many I have helped to greatness."

"Why do you continue to do it?" I asked him curiously.

He paused for a second, pondering the question. "I enjoy the smiles of the children I help. I grow up with them, one constant in their life, until they reach their destiny. But by that time, they have had so many memories and laughs with me that they are okay with letting me go. They think that they will see me when they pass on. And that's all they need."

I frowned slightly. "You'll go? Leave me?"

"That question seems to have a double meaning." He raised an eyebrow. "Who are you saddened by about this news? Losing me or Andy?"

I flushed with sudden realisation, "Uh I um," I started.

"It's alright, love." He chuckled, "I understand. It's your bond. He was made solely for you. We don't have nearly the bond that you and Andy have. My bond will always be with Delilah, she was my first." He smiled fondly at the memory of her.

"You were a great pet!"

"And that's all I can ask for, I'm a protector, not a guardian angel." He smiled at me, reassuring me.

"A protector?" I asked, "I have one."

"Yes, we are the same." He nodded, "I am him and he is me."

"You are my patronus?" I asked breathlessly, staring at him in wonder.

"That's correct." He chuckled deeply at my fascination. "I am the lion protector, that is why I was in the form a kitten, I couldn't just stay in my lion form, people would freak out. You would never have accepted me as your pet. I couldn't protect you."

"So how do you become a protector?" I asked.

"After your first child you are not a guardian angel anymore. You are only a guardian angel for the one you were made for. If you choose to still be an angel you become a protector. You take the form of an animal. You are then assigned to a child that has the matching patronus protector." He explained to me simply.

Before I could ask another question he stopped me, "I know you have many questions, little one. But that must wait. Your questions will be answered soon."

He shifted back into the kitten, leaving me to stare at him wordlessly just before the door opened and a worried Lily entered.

Updated! You now know a little bit more and Sebastian has been introduced!
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