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I walked around aimlessly in which I now discovered was Seattle. Actually, after all the events which I have gone through in the past two days have left me an empty, vacant body.

I found out I was a missing person. Sweet, intelligent, greatly missed, the newspaper articles all claimed the same things. How very original.

After I found out that I was a missing person, recollections from my last night alive returned to my memory.

Raped and bitten, by I'm assuming fellow vampires.

I would have let the emotions glide in to accommodate the pictures, if the memories weren't so vivid. The vile men and my hopeless screams were enough to make me feel sick.

When I read the posters and newspapers I decided to find my family and tell them to stop looking. I found myself at the familiar front gate. It was a great idea a few hours previous to the actual confrontation. When I knocked on the door, my mother answered.

"Good God...Grace? Oh my goodness!" She embraced me, and asked me where have I been gone all year.

"Mom, you need to understand that you have to stop looking for me." I told her as I released my arms from the greatest woman I've ever known.

"No, darling, I don't understand. You disappear from last October then appear out of nowhere and tell me to forget you ever lived under my roof? That I was ever your mother? That you were ever my daughter? Sorry, Gracey, I cannot. I will not."

"Mom, I love you, but things have - changed.."

"Have you chosen a different life path? Does that explain the red contacts? Honey you never needed to run away. You know I would've supported you." Every word she spoke broke me more and more.

"I know, but I wish this was something I could've chosen for myself. But it's not, it's far from it."

"Baby I don't understand." And when I looked in my mother's, I comprehended that she never will. Having this awakened a deep understanding saddened but also made me strangely glad.

I smiled at her.

"I have to go now. Love you." I stood up from the steps and she followed right after.

"I'll be like magnet, Gracey, I'll find you." She looked sincerely into my eyes and I sighed sadly.

"No mom, don't look for me. Don't look for me. Leave me alone."

The tears running down her face were inevitable.

"I can't Grace! The family is falling apart. Harris is always out, his doctor diagnosed him with depression. Your father..let go. Gave up. They both did. I'm the only one fighting. Putting up the posters, writing the articles. We need you, they need to see you and have faith. You're our glue."

I cried now. More than when Mike loved his little girlfriend, and my vision was so blurry, all I could see was my brother Harris. He was such a ball of sunshine, my best friend. He always cheered everyone up, and though I was older he was much wiser than I. And what did mom mean dad 'let go'? He stopped looking, stopped searching, the time must've worn him out. How could I leave them like this, how could I ever like her like this?

"Mom," my voice shattered and completely broken. "I can't. What happened to me, I can never let you know. I'd put you in danger." To let her know of my vampire lifestyle, that I drained a little boy of his blood, that if it wasn't for the recent terrible weather my skin would glitter like a fourteen carat diamond? That would take her over the edge of a cliff. No, her daughter couldn't have left perfect and come back tattered, violated. Besides, the lengths they would go to to ensure my safety would be unnecessary. I couldn't hide in the attic forever.

"What happened to you? Come in and tell me. Tell us -"

"No! I'm done with this. I'm not coming back, I can't." I turned and ran down the steps, my tears gushing down my smooth face like a waterfall.

"Grace!" The sobs were clear, and I couldn't contain the heart ache. I leaned against a lamppost for support.

"Come home." She whispered. I turned to corner, away from the house I've always known, the street I grew up in and the only people I ever truly loved unconditionally.

I walked back once I used my gifted hearing to confirm whether she went back inside, then I crept back. I wanted to go into her mind, to relive her facial expressions seeing me on her doorstep. But I was horrified to see what I saw. I saw months of her crying in the night, Harris dangerously underweight slamming the door on his way out of the house, and my mother scrolling through texts sent by my father to numerous women. I felt the suffering on another dimension, it was a spiritual suffering. To lose someone was a battle, to lose a daughter was a never ending war convincing everyone that she would come home. That she's out there, looking for her family too. But seeing me wasn't all what I believed it to be.

Her soul died, and through all her attempts, when she saw my face she knew. I wasn't going to stay.

It teared her heart apart. I caused it, by just being there, by just proving her trials were useless because I never planned on come home. I never wanted to be found.

I decided that it was better for her to believe a fantasy than the hardcore truth. I removed her memory of her encounter with me, and somehow replaced it with a dream saying that I would be waiting for her when she was ready to accept that I was gone. All this through the walls and across the street, my mind connecting with her own. I found that when I was done, there was peace in her mind. I turned and walked away, knowing the bittersweet.

What you don't know won't kill you.


After everything I had witnessed in these last few days, I really felt dead. I walked around aimlessly, no goals in life, no way of returning to my past lifestyle or even contacting my old friends. Was depression possible for vampires?


I would've never thought in a million light years that they could've existed. In fact, the moat I knew of vampires were a movie I watched in my teenage years, a sloppy love story with an air head protagonist whom relied on their vampire mate too often. I was not aware that vampires had powers, or maybe they didn't. Maybe I'm the only one.

I did know though that I couldn't have been the only vampire in the world, for I was turned by one. But I hated the community I was forced to be a part of, and if I ever came across a group of vampires, I would refuse to join their clan. And continue to live a lonely life for an eternity.

My life had slowly turned into a nightmare that I believed would never end, until a golden ticket flew from the heavens into my hands. Actually, it was a white plane ticket, and it fell from an apartment window.

I stared at it in sheer amazement. What was I to do with it? It wasn't mine.

"Sao Paulo... Seattle Airport...Emirates airlines.."

A first class ticket to Brazil? Where is the owner?

I looked around and strangely, the street was as still as a calm sea. People moved on with their lives, cars drove on quietly, no one had witnessed this incident.

Well, if I were to be a vampire for an eternity, might as well take advantage of it.

I stuffed the ticket in my pocket and set on my way to find this airport, this could be the start of my new life, away from family, people I've known.

This could be a fresh start.



Forgive me? 😂 love you guys xxx

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