zero • prologue

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Grayson wanted to protect his sister forever and guard her from all the evil in the world, but reality crashed down upon him too soon and God showed that Grayson held no power at all to save the one life that meant everything to him. Even if he was an FBI agent, he couldn't stop what happened that fateful evening.

It started at eleven forty-five exactly, as Grayson remembered the day vividly. He had just gotten back to the apartment he shared with his younger sister, who at the time was seventeen and under his guardianship. He had a long day at work and had stayed late to work on the case, wanting nothing but to sleep in the comfy bed waiting for him at home. Though that was the last thing that would happen to him in the days to come.

It started off normal, he unlocked the door and flickered on the living room lights as he closed it behind him, dropping his case on the floor and making his way over towards the sofa. The man sat down with a sigh, stretching his legs out on the coffee table in front of him. That's when he noticed something was off. His sister Morgan would usually come and greet him when he came home, regardless of how late he stayed at work. He turned his head slightly to the side, listening for any noise.

That's when he heard it, the whimpering and cries of a girl.

He immediately stood up, walking into the dark hall until he reached Morgan's room. The door was opened a crack, light pooling into the dark hall as he opened it slowly, the wood creaking. Morgan sat there huddled against the corner, her room utterly destroyed as if a tornado has passed through it. Papers were scattered across the floor, any pictures she had on the wall had fallen, broken pieces of glass lining the carpet.

"Morg?" He asked softly, staring down at her with sad eyes.

The brunette's head flew up, eyes widening as she saw him in her doorway. "Don't come any closer!" She yelled, "I don't want to hurt you!"

He blinked, taking a step inside and ignoring her warning. He glanced around the room before meeting eyes with his little sister again. "What happened Morgan? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Now get out!" She glared at him with a harsh tone in her voice, hating herself for how she was treating her brother. Her blue eyes softened at his hurt expression, "Please Gray, it's for your own safety."

He slowly shook his head, taking a hesitant step forward with his hands raised in surrender. "Let me help you Morg, just what is the problem? Is it Oliver? Did he hurt you?"

He paused as she glanced down to his feet, noticing how he was slowly inching towards her. She shook her head slowly, eyes watering even more as tears fell down her red cheeks. "Oliver didn't do anything, I did."

"What do you mean?"

"I hurt him, Grayson. I hurt the only boy that was brave enough to ask me out." She cried out, shoulders shaking as she hugged her knees closer to her chest. "Now he's in the hospital, they say he's deaf now."

"Deaf? Morgan, if you're in trouble I can help, there's nothing to worry abo-"

"NO!" She shouted, her voice strangely louder then he's ever heard her. She glared at him. "I'm not one of your cases, Grayson!"

He gulped, trying to step a little bit more closer. He was almost right in front of her, but it seemed the girl noticed his movement, her eyes flickering to his and back to his face before she yelled again, though this time her voice seemed to echo off of the walls and any glass in the room that hadn't broke earlier, shattered into pieces. The items surrounding her flying away in the air.


Grayson was also affected, widening his eyes as he was flown back into the hallway from the opened door behind him, hitting his back against the wall as he slumped back onto the floor. The door to Morgan's bedroom had flew off of its hinges and laid next to him. Something wet dripped down the left side of his face and his left eye became blurry. He clutched his stomach as he coughed, squinting his eyes at the form of his sister as she exited her room. Morgan looked down at him for a second, before running out of the apartment and leaving the door opened behind her.

Grayson's other eye became blurry and as black dots began to swarm his vision, he used his remaining strength to look out the door his sister had ran out of.

"Morgan..." Everything became dark and that was the last time he saw Morgan Maddox.

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