Chapter 13

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I wake up feeling groggy. I see through blurred vision that two figures are sitting on either side of me. My vision clears and I see that it's Daryl and Rick who are sitting by me.

"Guys?" I mumble slowly.

Rick looks at me first and hugs me.

"I'm so glad you're okay..." He mumbles into my (h/l) (h/c) hair.

Daryl wakes up soon after. He looks at me with those captivating blue eyes. I hug Rick and assure him I'm fine. Then, I ask how Lori is doing.

"She died giving birth... A few days ago..." He says solemnly.

"Oh Rick, I'm so sorry. You must feel terrible..." I sigh as I hug him.

We hug for a few moments before letting go.

"How's Carl taking this? Shane?" I wonder.

"Carl had to shoot her, Maggie, Hershel and I couldn't do it..." He chokes out and puts his head in his hands.

I pat his back and try to comfort him. He soon leaves, leaving Daryl and I alone.

"I'm glad you're okay." He looks away with a slight dust of pink on his cheeks.

"Is THE Daryl Dixon blushing? Or am I just imagining things?" I question playfully.

Shane walks in and Daryl immediately moves in front of me.

"What the hell do you want, you sonofabitch." Daryl growls.

"Just checking up on her, you damn redneck." Shane equally growls and they stare at each other before Daryl walks out in a rage.

Shane stares at me and I look away. He walks closer and I scoot back to gain distance. He sits on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry." He says suddenly.


"I just want you for myself. Your perfect body and gorgeous face and those luscious lips. I want you to moan my name. Nobody else should be able to have you." He confesses and grabs my wrist. I try to pull away.

"Shane stop, I don't like you that way." I try to pull back from him just as my sister enters. And he kisses me roughly as I my sister states in shock and disbelief.

"I want you (y/n). I want you now." He pulls my shirt off and kisses my neck.

My sister runs out crying and yelling for help. Shane pulls on my bra and rips it off as I attempt to cover myself.

"Please don't..." I whimper.

'Oh my god, he's going to rape me..' I think. Tears are in my eyes as he goes for my skinny jeans waistband. Daryl barges in and pulls Shane off of me as Hershel drags Shane out.

It's too much, I start crying. Daryl pulls me close as Rick rushes in and rubs my back reassuringly. I hug Daryl back and sob into his chest.

'Why did this happen to me?' I think sadly. Daryl hugs me closer as I fall asleep to the warmth of his chest and the rhythmic beat of his heart.

Sorry if this made you guys uncomfortable, but Daryl to the rescue. I tried not to go into too much detail. If you want a lemon later on just request who, can be threesome btw, and I'll attempt to write it. I'm almost out of school, yay! I will update more during summer! 🙂😘 Ciao

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