Chapter 13 - A Glimpse..

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(Even after what happen i couldn't get it out of my head...

For her to give up her dream ,what could the reason maybe ?...who am i to talk , i did abandon my dream after all..

But still , ...i still want to know...for what's it worth i want to help her , maybe i will find the answer as well..)

Later after the bath...


Kasumi is in the living room , reading a book...

He approach her...

"What are you reading ?"

"Oh Mina !!" when she saw him , she tries to hide the book from him..

(What the ?..) However he had a glimpse of the book she's trying so hard to hide , ..

"Is that a medical book ?"

When he ask , she gives him a smile and that defeated look and shows him the book she's hiding..

"'s a medical book.."

"Oh''re finally -"

"N-no , i was just reading it , plainly reading it.." she interrupted.

She smiles a lonely smile..

"It was all in the past..."

Just then....*click*

"I'm home !"

"Welcome back Yomiko." she greeted 

Yomiko walked in the living room carrying a huge teddy bear..

"Wow what the heck are you carrying.."

"This ? Oh' it's just a present from one of my fans.."

The reality Yomiko is really a famous pop idol..and she seems really busy these days..

" you have fans ?" she throws the big teddy at him..


"Jerk! , i have to rehears for a concert tomorrow i better hit the hay , before i'm tempted to hit someone else.." 

"You're amazing Yomiko , the way you balance going to college and your singing.." 

"Oh, i'm nothing special..."

"Why is it okay when you say it ?" he teased

"Shut up , you Perv!" and  throws the bouquet of flowers.. 

"Oh, what's that ?" she spots Kasumi's book

"Kasumi , are you taking up medicine again ?" she enthusiastically while a big happy grin pops out Yomiko's face..

(Huh ? Again ?)

"Oh' , no..i''m just reading this for fun , nothing more.." she smiled bitterly 

"Geez ..this again huh ?"  Mina can see a slight irritation in Yomiko's smile , he felt a bit disconnected from their conversation..he decided to observe them..

"I think you'd make a great doctor , you know.." she said

"N-no way , i'm not as gifted as you Yomiko..."

"Not , gifted ?!"

She let's out a lonely sounding laugh ..

"Well , i'm going to my room goodnight , everyone..."

"Kass..wait.." he said

Book in hand , Kasumi leaves the living room , Yomiko and i watch her as she heads away..

"Good job  Yomiko, your insensitivity drove her away...." he said

"I didn't do that'.." then she elbows him in the gut..

"Ooofff , what was that all about then ?"

He decided to probe , since Yomiko might know something he didn't..

"Well...she used to dream about becoming a doctor...

"She kinda told me.."(again what's with the past tense..)

"She did ? , that's surprising , but ...i guess you can say she'd given up.."

Then she steps closer to him really close..

"But i think she'd be a great doctor without a doubt !!"

(Whoa, so close !) Y-yeah i bet , but why did she gave up then.." he steps back

Then she decided to tell him the story behind it..

"This all happened before you came here ..during one of my performance i misstep  and fell from the stage.."

"To bad i didn't see that.." he teased

"Jerk!" she said when she throws a pillow a him..

"Well too bad , i wasn't badly hurt i just sprained my ankle...but at that time our medical staff was a bit late , good thing , sometimes the girls visit my concert , Kasumi talked to my staff and she volunteered to patch me up..."

"She did that ?"

Yomiko smiles wistfully..

"I was really moved by what she did back there.."

(That reminds me , in the park without moments hesitation she ran into the rain to help the little girl..She's so kind hearted ..) 

"So , that what i thought she'd make a great doctor , but..."

"But , what ?"

"I don't know , i really don't know why she would gave up .."

(Even Yomiko don't know huh , now i'm really curious to know , but i'll never have the nerve to ask her directly..But i need to find out...)

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