And the Compass Points.....

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Charlotte tripped as we walked through the forest. "Watch out" I giggled "those roots are tricky little buggers" I added sarcastically as I helped her up. We went looking for the chest almost directly after we got my crew in order. Which I thought was a bad idea, on this side of Singapore it's supposed to be cold, but we were wrong. It felt like an oven. The trees gave little shade and we had little to no wind.

"Yeah, yeah" Charlotte growled back handing sweat off of her forehead. I just adjusted my hat. "So are we even close?" Charlotte asked.

"Don't know but my compass points...that away" Jack said pointing tward the west "no, that way" he said pointing east "no" then he pointed north. He looked up, shook his compass, looked down, sighed, then handed it to me "you try" he growled. I closed my eyes and sighed then opened the compass, at first it went crazy spinning round and round until it pointed north. I gave a smile and followed the needle. Soon, the shade of the forest turned into a beach!

The wind felt so refreshing! The compass lead me to the top of a small sand dune, then, it had a crazy fit. So, I set it down on the sand, it pointed towards Jack, who was talking to Gibbs. I sighed and stared down at the thing. Jack, seeing my frustration came over "we're standing on it!" Jack cried.

"What?" I asked

"You heard me, come on" Jack said pulling me off the dune with him. He gave an arm motion, and Ragetti and Pintel came over with shovels and started to dig.

*Half an hour later Pintel hit something, hard. "Oy! I think we've hit somethin'!" he yelled to the rest of us. We all ran over as they lifted a huge chest out of the sand. I fell to my knees and smiled. My happiness was short lived as I saw a key hole.

"The key!" I yelled "damn, how could I be so stupid!" I growled at myself, Jack stood beside me.

"What?" Jack asked, gently touching my shoulder.

"The key" I said in defeat  "we needed the key to open the chest....we don't have the key so we can't open the chest!" I growled, slapping the chest with the palm of my hand.

"On the contrary" someone said from behind me, I slowly turned and smiled.

"Ah, Ching! Nice to see you again, mate!" Jack yelled walking closer to Ching.

"What do you mean...'on the contrary'?" I asked standing up from the chest. Then, Ching gave an evil smile.

"While I was on the Flying Dutchman I managed to swipe...this" Ching said showing off the key to open the chest of Davy Jones. My eyes enlarged and I ran over to he and Jack, hugging Jack tightly.

"Open it, now!" Someone yelled frantically. I looked behind Ching to see who it was, It was the other five Pirate Lords! "Don't look so happy! We brought friends!" Pirate Lord Ammand yelled, and running behind the Pirate Lords was a crew I recognized.

"Blackbeard" I said as I reached for my cutlass.

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