Chapter 53 - A Break

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A sudden rush of sadistic anger shot through me. My hands curled into fists. My jaw clenched. My feet stomped towards them.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I scream, jerking Niall off the girl.

People stopped and stared to see what was wrong. Even the DJ stopped. It was a dead silent.

Nialll looked at me wearily. His pupils were bigger than usual. He stunk of beer.

He's been drinking WAY too much.

Then a drunk grin spread across his face. "KATIE!" He looked back at the girl then his face went blank. He looked back and forth between us.

Me with angry tears streaming down my face. The girl with a smirk on hers telling me she knew she pissed me off and she loved every second.

"OH MY GOD! DID YOU COME FROM THE FUTURE?! WHERE'S FUTURE NIALL?!" Niall yells, grabbing me by the shoulders.

He must have drunk A LOT if he's this drunk.

I grit my teeth and push him away. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I snarl. I smack him hard across the face. His head jerked to the side with a 'pop'. "Who the fuck do you think you are? You basically abandoned me three hours ago and now I find you fucking cheating on me?! With her?!" I glare at the girl.

She scoffs, glaring at me.

"AND WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HUMPING MY BOYFRIEND?!" I shout at her, shoving her.

She scoffs, stumbling back. She pushes me. "You need to get your facts right, bitch. He came onto me."

I growl, tackling her to the ground. No one pushes me. "THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KISS HIM BACK?! I KNOW DAMN WELL YOU KNEW NIALL FUCKING HORAN WAS MY BOYFRIEND!" I scream.

People were trying to pull us apart.

"Katie! Get off of Katie!" Niall whines, trying to touch my shoulders.

"I said. Don't. Fucking. TOUCH ME!" I scream at him.

"What's wr- oi. I don't feel so good." He groans, holding his stomach. He shot down the hall.

The girl and I just continued to fight, until a large man pulled me off of her.

"What is going on here?!" Zayn shouts, holding me back.

"LET ME GO!" I struggle in his arms.

"Katie, calm down. Tell me what happened." He whispers in my ear.


Rage flashed in his eyes. "With her?" He nodded his head towards the girl.

I nod, still trying to get to her.

I will tear her fucking eyes out with a spoon.

"Katie, calm down." Harry says from beside me.

"I DON'T WANNA CALM DOWN! NIALL BROKE MY FUCKING HEART! I KNEW DATING FRIENDS WAS BAD AND THIS JUST FUCKING PROVES ME RIGHT!" I scream. "I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM!" I cry out, finally breaking into sobs. "Why am I so stupid?" I fall into Harry's arms, digging my face into his chest.

"Katie, he was drunk." Harry sighs.

I just ignore him, clenching the shirt of his police costume and crying. My heart is broken. All because of Niall Horan.


I woke up, laying on my bed. I was still dressed in the costume. My cheeks were stained with tears and mascara.

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