12 My Brother's Beta

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12 My Brother's Beta


(warning: May be shorter than usual)


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Chapter Twelve

Stupid, stupid Kyle. I'm definitely rethinking my faith to him as a sister right now.

Kyle had dragged Aaron over to a group if girls to flirt, leaving me on my own with four shopping bags. The boys had bought their suites - Aaron looked so hot in the fabric - and I had bought the dress from earlier. The other bag contained two boxes of condoms, as Kyle said he was running low.


I swear, it would be so much easier to just tell Kyle that his Beta was my mate, instead of having to live through thus torture. Some blonde girl had her hand gripping his bicep, making my blood boil more than I'd like to admit.

My fists were curled around a metal bar underneath the table I was sitting at, knuckles white. I could feel - and hear, for that matter - the metal maneuvering beneath my fingers. I knew that if I got any angrier, I'd snap it in half.

"Oh, Aaron," one of the girls purred, "How are you so beautiful.


The people sitting on the tables near me had their heads snapping in my direction, looking at me with shock. I mock glared in astonishment at a middle-aged man that wasn’t too far away from me, and everyone’s eyes shifted to him.

Well, at least I’m not revealing the Were secret.

I tried to think of anything other than the bimbo’s hands all over my mate, but I was coming up short of anything to think about. I tried thinking about how good the cheeseburger in my hands tasted, but then I just remember how good Aaron’s mouth tasted. I tried to be pleased by all the awed looks from teenage girls passing me, but then I just remembered it was because I was a Werewolf. And what do Weres have? Mates.

So you can see my problem. If I tried to think of something, it always lead back to that annoyingly handsome boy that I’m secretly with. Mating sucks!

No, Kyle sucks for dragging Aaron over to where a bunch of pretty girls sat.

I whipped out my phone, dialing the familiar number of Kyle’s. I watched him as he got a startled expression from how loud his phone is, then as he tried to ignore it. I didn’t put the phone down, just kept on ringing it. It’s a wonder that it hasn’t gone to voicemail yet.

Finally, Kyle picked up his vibrating phone with an annoyed face, and said “Hello?”

“Hey, bro,” I said in a forced chirpy voice, just to annoy him.

His eyes flickered up to me, making Aaron’s head immediately snap into my direction. He saw my annoyed expression, looked down at the girls’ hands all over him, and shoved them off lightly. Kyle remained oblivious. “I’m kind of in the middle of something here, sis.”

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