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sometimes, i think i leave myself everywhere. bits and pieces — they break off, you know and i really can't help it at all

• a shard of my heart at the park where i lost myself in waves that started with me and somehow ended with you

• a little bit of my soul with
old friends who never quite
keep in touch like they used to

• pieces of my fingers where i've split them open on more people than i care to count (than i care to admit, really)

i cut myself on things and feelings
and people and others so often i
wonder if eventually i'll end up running out of pieces to give.

will i run out one day? just end up empty and cold and unfeeling, so drained and exhausted because i have given up all that exists of me and somehow, someway, it still isn't enough? when will i stop? when will i become whole again?

otherwise entitled:
"let me know, please"
6.03.16 || kt

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