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HAha J.K.

I just wanted to thank everyone that We Have just earned 200 Followers a face reveal should be released soon but before you move on pleas read bellow Thanx. 

Hey everyone Just letting everyone know why We haven't been uploading so much BY we I mean Hayley and me

SURPRISE this is not Hayley :P

Hi everyone My name is Carlos A.K.A Starlessmetal41 (Shameless plug XD)  I am Hayley's (stardiazbutterfly) Co- writer or her friend that edits and helps her in her writers block, To be honest it is fun helping other people it just feels nice. Ok Back to business now

SO continuing to what I said earlier Me and Hayley are really occupied by school as many know we are both Fifteen and in high school which means Finals (YAYY!! XD) Once we are done with these we should hopefully be updating more often.

Thank you everyone for understanding and if any of you have questions ask me in both the comments or my profile Starlessmetal41 (Shameless plug, no regrets XD ) and I will make sure to answer all of them.

Alright have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you live (god I hate time zones)

 Thank you and goodbye peeps

P.S. Hayley has to Face reveal now Haha I just hope she don't get mad at me :3

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