Chapter 82- Too Familiar

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We crept down the dim hallway, I took the front with Daryl at my side. Glenn, Maggie, and Jason were at the back. While Rick and Hershel took the middle. I listened closely for any kind of sound, a footstep, a drop of water maybe even a moan.

I had Taylers old bow in my hands, I was nervous I would get my sword stuck in a walkers skull and not be able to pull it out on time.

I stuck my head out the hallway to check for any walkers, I saw nothing. The sound of the spray can startled me as I took another step. I whirled around and glared at Glenn. He tried to hide a smile but he was unsuccessful. I turned back around and continued through the hallway. Rick came up beside Daryl then stepped in front.

I gave him a questioning look and he signaled me to wait. I stopped and scanned around us as Rick moved further and further down the hallway.

Rick reached the corner and froze. He peaked around the corner and he instantly turned and ran back towards us.

"Run!" He whispered as walkers pilled down the hallway behind him. I started to shoot at the walkers before Jason yanked me into a near by closet.

Walkers banged on the door outside and I caught my breath as my heart beat when to an extraordinary speed.

"Daryl." I said frantically, looking around the dim closet. Jason clamped his hands over my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"Stop." He ordered. "He's fine, I saw him with Rick and Hershel. We need to get back now."

I nodded at Jason's command and looked to the door, that had just went silent.

"Stay close." Jason said quietly. I nodded and pulled an arrow from my quiver.

Jason creaked the door open and scanned the hallway. He stepped out and I followed him.

We started to walk down the hallway, the same way we came in. Glenn's spray can was on the ground and I bent down to pick it up.

An ear piercing scream made me forget all about the bottle. Fear tore through my body as I sprinted to the scream.

Please not Daryl, please. Relief and grief ripped my heart open as Hershel was freeing himself from a walker.

"NO! NO! NO! NO!" I screamed, taking my anger out on the dead walker.

"We need to move!" Rick ordered. I looked around frantically for Daryl and saw him helping the old man hobble. I ran over and slung Hershel's arm over my shoulder.

"MOVE!" Maggie screamed, facing us and staring into the distance. Gun shots rang out as we moved Hershel towards a set of double doors, hopefully free of walkers.

Maggie burst through the doors and I helped lay Hershel down on the floor. Rick grabbed an axe while Maggie cradled Hershel's head in her arms.

I yelped as I felt the cool sting of a knife being pressed to my throat, a feeling all too familiar.

"Shit." A man's voice said from behind me. Daryl's crossbow was pointed at my captors head and the captor didn't like that.

He pressed the knife closer, almost cutting my skin. If the person or I moved then it would surely slit my throat.

I didn't breath, my heart raced and fear trembled throughout my body. My mind clouded with thoughts as I looked into Daryls eyes.

"Now now, I suggest you point that else where." The person behind me said.

Daryl tensed as the man prepared his arm, to pull it across my throat. Daryl lowered his crossbow and I was shoved forwards at Daryl.

He caught me before I fell and wrapped his arm around my back, my arms wrapped around him and I buried my face in his chest.

"What the hell?!" Another man yelled over Hershel's strained moans.

It was too much. New people, Hershel getting bit, and a knife being held to my throat. It was to much, all of it was to much.

Silent tears fell down my face and Daryl looked at me surprised. "We gotta get him out of here." Rick said frantically, looking at Hershel's bleeding stump.

Daryl nodded and I pulled away from him. "Go." I ordered, pulling my sword out as I stared at the disgusting looking men.

"GO!" Daryl yelled at Rick and the others. They instantly pushed Hershel away on the metal table.

I stared at the man that had touched me, held a weapon to my throat, threatened to take me away from my family.

His long brown curly hair was sweaty, greasy, and knotted. His white tank top was stained with disgusting stains.

"Who the hell are you?" I growled at them, my anger consuming my judgement.

"You the rescue crew?" A man with a perfectly waxed mustache asked. I stared at the mustache, how in the world has he managed to keep his mustache so perfect.

I burst into laugher and Daryl snorted at the man. "Ya new or somethin'?" Daryl joked.

The man scowled and came closer. "That's close enough." Daryl growled, laying his finger on the trigger.

"Daryl, we should check on Hershel." I whispered into his ear. He nodded and gently turned me towards the door.

We had bigger things to worry about then a bunch of gross men that can't follow the rules of society.

Or what was society.

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