Chapter 61 : untold secret

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your POV
-1 month later
I go to the villa and take some of my things that left. Kyungsoo oppa drive me here because baekhyun was busy with his business. My hardworking husband hehe...
I take a step to the garden looking at the flowers. It grows beautifully this month. Wait! I saw a box behind the pot. What is that? Hmmmm...let's take it first and open it inside.

Thank god that kyungsoo oppa still washing the car outside,so I have my time to open this box. My heart race so badly,thinking what's inside this little box. The moment I open the box I saw two notes. One in a pink paper and other one in blue paper. Hmm going to read the blue one first.

Huh? From baekhyun to taeyeon? Who is taeyeon?

"I don't know what kind of feel that I had since we was a child. I'm happy to see you happy. Always smile and I love you"

I love you?! Hmmmm let's read the pink one.

" did you had the same feeling? Haha . Be happy too and I love you"

Who is she?! I don't know that he had a girlfriend or something? Why he didn't tell me anything?! Huh..

"Oppa...I want to stay here I don't want to go back to my house." I said to kyungsoo oppa.
"Why you look so mad? Did something bad happen?" He ask.
"Nothing.." I said bluntly.
"Okay...I will tell baekhyun now.." He replied.
"No. Don't ...just wait until he call you..then you tell me I'm here okay?" I said.
"Okay..just rest in the room." He said.

Hmmmm I'm so mad right now...why he didn't tell me that he had a girlfriend before?!

Jiyong POV
Hehehe...need to call baekhyun for the next move. Hope that he still had taeyeon's number. What should I say to him? Hmmmmm oh I got an idea...let's call him first.

"Hello?" Baekhyun's voice can be heard from my phone.
"It's me...jiyong..." I said.
"Oh..what you want? If it's about business, sorry I do not interested in any of your lies" he said straightly.
"Hey did you have any taeyeon's contact number?" I ask.
"Why? Where the hell that you know her?" He said.
"It's not your business just tell me or I tell to that slut where you live.." I said haha..
" don't you ever- urghhhh okay okay...I'll message you her number...but after this don't ask me about her..okay..." He replied.
"Okay okay....thank you baekhyun ssi.." I said.

Hahaha yes ....taeyeon-ah oppa will come back to you...wait a little bit more.

Baekhyun POV
Where the hell is my wife? I call her but she didn't take it. I message her she didn't replied any. Otokhae?! What if she's in danger? Hmmm oh yea..kyungsoo let me call him.

"Hello..kyungsoo..." I'm panicked.
"Yes..." He said.
"Where is my wife? She was safe right?"I said.
"Yes...she said she want to stay at the villa..baekhyun-ah did you do something to her? She looked pretty mad right now.." He said making my eyes open widely.
"No..I didn't do anything wrong...hmmm okay...after my work I'll be there..." I said.
"Okay..just a little bit faster ..." He said
"Okay..please take care of her for me...." I said then ended the call.

Hmmm why she act like that? I hope she didn't do any stupid stuff when I'm not there...

Author: hehe ok ok...stop until here..hehe...hope my acc doesn't get hacked again..hehe...

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