The Maternal Hour

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    I shot out of bed, staring at the clock in amazement.

    Of course. That was so obvious, the message was trying to warn me. What a horrible job I had done at listening.

    I discovered that my mom had placed a stack of laundry at the foot of my bed, I had completely missed it in my hurry to get ready.

    I wore my favorite shirt today.

    I was up early, and I found my mother in the kitchen, cracking eggs into a pan.

    "Can I help?" I asked, getting out some pepper and taking the garlic power from her hand.

    "Sure sweetie, I'm definetly going to need it." She laughed, ruffling my hair as the eggs started turning white.

    That was the best breakfasted I ever had in m life, we took turn adding in stuff like peppers and potatoes, spices and salts. It tasted alright, but it was the way my mom laughed at my jokes that I really enjoyed.

    "Hey mom." I said, as I slung my backpack over my shoulder. "I love you."

    "Love you too Gabe, now hurry you're going to be late." She handed me my lunch and another bag that I hadn't seen before.

    "Remember that goodbye present you bought for Tucker a few weeks ago? Well I found in your room yesterday and I don't want you to forget it." She smiled at me and brushed fixed my hair.

    I smiled bitterly as I remembered the last time me and Tucker hung out at the beach, he had seen this really cool shark tooth necklace, but none of us had any money. I went back later and got it for him, I had completely forgotten.

    "Thanks mom." I said, then hugged her.

    It lasted a little bit longer than your usual standard goodbye hug. I didn't want to believe it, but I knew would be the last time I got to hug her in a while.

    "Gabe honey, as much as I love hugs, you're going to be late." She laughed, patting my back.

    "Yeah, late to math." I rolled my eyes.

    I sprinted through the door, waving at her as she went. I could get to the corner in one minute, Tucker and I timed ourselves once. This way around I bet I could make it there in half the time.

    Tucker had just stepped off the curb when I stopped him.

    "Hey Tuck, wait up."

    He smiled when he saw me. "You nearly missed me you dork."

    "That's me, I'm the dork." I handed him the second paper bag, not my lunch thankfully. "I got you a present, something to remember me by, I bet they don't have sharks in Michigan."

    It had just started to drizzle, Tucker opened up the umbrella he brought as he opened up the bag. He grinned as he fastened the necklace behind his back.

    "Thanks dude, I can't believe you remembered I was moving."

    I shrugged. "What can I say? My memory's gotten better."

    I feel better already.

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