25- Back To Square One

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25- Back To Square One

Angel's POV

I sat back down on the couch after Rori slammed the door in my face. My heart was beating at an utterly fast pace. I don't even know what to think. Had I known that Liam didn't know about Harry and Rori I would've never said anything. I wouldn't do anything like that.

I would've contemplated doing it at first. Like when Rori first told me she and Harry had been seeing each other for a while, I was actually going to use it to my advantage. I planned on blackmailing Rori into convincing Liam to let me go or I would tell her secret. But I thought about it and I felt like it wouldn't be right. Plus I also thought that why would she even tell me such a big secret like that. Which is why I thought Liam knew. I mean if she told me, I assumed Liam knew because she barely knew me and she told me. But over time I realized we got along really well and I opened up to her a lot and so did she. And Harry as well. He would mostly talk about Rori though, like whenever she would be at work and the others were out. Sometimes Harry was left to watch over me and we would just talk. Just like the days when we were friends.

I loved the way he talked about Rori. That's when I knew he cared so much for her. He's actually a pretty silly guy too, seeing that his image makes you want to walk the other way. The more I was around them, the more comfortable I felt. They made me feel welcome even if I was only some prisoner. They treated me like a person. Unlike Celeste and Taylor. They don't even acknowledge me. Louis is in his own world, so I barely see him. And Liam, well he's come around, but he still tends to walk away from me from time to time. But Rori is the only one who treated me like a friend. So that's when I decided against using "her secret" against her. But now that Liam knows I feel bad. I watched him get angry the moment those words came out my mouth and I instantly regretted it. It may not have seem like accident to her, but it really was. I wish I could turn back time.

I had someone to talk to too and friends. And now I've destroyed it.

Why am I such a screw up? I mean, I ruin relationships. First it was me and Liam. Now it's Harry and Rory.

I hope she'll forgive me in the future. It was an honest mistake. I hope Liam accepts the fact that Harry and Rory love each other deeply, but I don't think so. Knowing Liam is very protective over the ones he loves there's no way he'll let it pass, but I hope I'm wrong.

I can't believe it, I possibly just ruined their relationship. Now, Liam's not gonna trust Rori and he's gonna be giving Harry death glares. Damn. I just ruined all of their relationships.

I'm really hoping not much damage was done.

I'm such a fuck up.

Why did I have to open my big mouth? None of this would've happened if I didn't open my mouth.

I get up and walk towards the door. I exit the room feeling a lot of guilt and I go downstairs to the living room. I sit on the couches and I sit forward, putting my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands, sighing.

"You okay? You look stressed." I jump, hearing Louis voice.

I look up at him, "Why do you care?"

He shrugs, "I'm a caring person." I scoff at that. He was a caring person when he was my friend. I thought he hates me?

"I thought you hate me?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.

He shrugs again, "I don't know anymore. I don't know what the fuck is going on."

"Yeah, I'm stressed. Thanks for pointing it out." I say, leaning back into the couch.

He takes a seat beside me, "So... Why are you stressed?"

"Life is very stressful at the moment." I say, not wanting to go into details.

"You don't want to talk about it, I get it. Well, want to watch a something? To take your mind off things and also I want to become your friend again."

I smile, "Sure, sounds great. What do you want to watch?"


"Like what?"

"South Park?"

I chuckle, "Definitely. Definitely South Park."


Louis put it on and after about 30 minutes the episode was over. We heard heavy footsteps approaching. We turn and face Liam, who has just walked into the room.

"You okay?" I ask, gently.

Liam looks at me, he nods and sits down on the other side of me. So this is the order Louis, me, Liam.

"What happened, mate?" Louis asks, me and Liam both shake our heads 'no'. Louis gets the point and doesn't ask any further.

"Well, want to watch South Park with us?" Louis asks, Liam nods.

"Are you just not going to talk?" Liam doesn't answer.

"I'm fucking pissed off! That's why I'm not talking. I am really not in a good mood right now." Liam finally speaks up.

Louis whistles, "Okay, let's keep watching the show." I nod in agreement.

I lean back into the couch. I wasn't really paying attention to this episode. I saw out of the corner of my eye Liam glancing at me.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna head to the bathroom. Be right back." Louis announces.

Once he leaves, I turn towards Liam.

"You sure you're okay? Do you want to talk about it?"

"How long have you known they were together?" He asks.

"Why do you want to know?" I ask, trying to get outta this question. He gives me a look.

I sign, "About a week or so."

"A week you've known they were together." He nods, confirming to himself.

"Look, I'm sorry you found out the way you did, but you can't be mad at---"

"Don't even... Don't tell me to not be mad!" he scoffs

"Being mad won't do anything..." I say

"Actually, it does. Because it shows that I'm in control. It shows that they shouldn't have gone behind my back. They've been lying to me" he yells

I stayed silent. I hated when he yelled.

"They were lying to my face this whole time! They have the nerve to be around me and lie! How dare they! So yes I will be mad. Because this is my gang. The warehouse is mine, this house is mine, and all the other hideouts are mine. I give the orders and everyone follows. No one dares to disobeys. I am in charge. I call the shots! And if they thought they could get away with this, they better think again. And don't think I'm not mad at you either" he yells

"What did I do?" I ask

"You knew! And you should've came straight to me the moment you knew."

"How was I supposed to know that you didn't know... For fuck sakes Liam I didn't know you had a sister. For a while I thought you and Rori were together."

"Lame excuse" he scoffs and leaves the room

I slump in the couch feeling the guilt kick in more. Not because of Liam yelling at me but because of what I caused. I really need to talk to Rori.

"What'd I miss?" Louis asks sitting back down on the couch.

"Huh? Oh..." I look to the screen and see South Park was still on. "Sorry, umm I... I wasn't paying attention... Got a little side-tracked"

"Mhmm..." Louis nods and continues to watch.

"I think I'm going to turn in. Good night"

"Night" he replies and I head into the room where I was put originally.

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