At Last We Meet

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A/N: 8,000 reads special!! So I got this idea when I left the movies after seeing 'X-Men Apocalypse'! That movie is amazing in my opinion and I highly recommend it. Any way! The love interest in this story is...... Nightcrawler! I apologize to the person who requested him earlier in the book: @KayRay_is_a_quotever ! Here you go! Hope you all enjoy!

You had gone into a nervous spell when Storm told you she was having a couple of her friends come over. You were such a shy person around people who were like you.

What are your powers exactly? Telekinesis and telepathy.

You ran your slender fingers through your h/l h/c hair.

"Y/N, will you calm down? It's not that scary!" Storm said. She was eagerly awaiting the arrival of her friends.

Soon the doors to the entertainment room opened and in walked two mutants.

"Mystique! Kurt!" Storm shouted running up to the two, hugging them.

"Hello Storm." Kurt said, smiling and hugging the raven haired woman.

"Hey, good to see you aren't dead yet." Mystique said, smiling.

"You too, Raven." Storm replied.

Kurt had black with blue streaks. His skin was a dark blue, he also had gorgeous red eyes, and the thing that caught your attention was his tail.

"Y/N, I want you to meet my friends Raven and Kurt, also known as Mystique and Nightcrawler." Storm said, guiding the pair to you.

"Nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Mystique as Storm just informed you." Raven said, shaking your hand.

"Hi Raven." You replied, smiling brightly and returning the hand shake.

"And I am Nightcrawler, but you may call me Kurt." Kurt said, teleporting next to you. He gave you a genuinely sweet smile.

Honestly, Kurt was adorable in your opinion.

"Guys! Me and Raven are gonna go downstairs to train together, ok?" Storm said, looking at the two of you.

"We'll be fine." Kurt said, looking at the two females.

"Ok! Have fun you two!" Raven said before grabbing Storm and running to the training room.

"What do you want to do? We could watch a movie." You said, jumping over the back of the couch and sitting down.

Kurt teleported next to you and smiled. "Or... We could watch my favorite show called 'Ghost Brothers'!" Kurt said.

You smiled sweetly and telepatheically moved the remote to be floating in front of Kurt.

He changed the channel to 'Ghost Brothers' and began to grin.

~3 hours later~

After 3 episodes of the show you two began to talk and get to know each other better.

"So you're a mutant like me and Raven?" Kurt said, staring into your e/c eyes curiously.

"Yes, I'm a mutant." You said, a little nervous.

"You seem nervous, you should try to relax." Kurt said, gently grabbi g your hands.

To your surprise, Kurt's hands were super soft. Aldo you really felt like the fact that he was a mutant wasn't the only reason you were nervous around him.

"Y/N, I want to tell you something." Kurt saif, looking you in the eyes, his face looked serious.

"What is it Kurtl" You said, your voice soft.

"I really like you. Would you like to go on a date?" Kurt said shyly.

You smiled and kissed him. "I wpuld love to." You said, smiling.

Kirt grinned at you. "At last we meet my love." You heard him whisper softly.

------Extended Ending------

Storm high-fived Raven. They were currently standing in the lab watching the security cameras.

"I told you they would be perfect for each other." Storm said, grinning.

"Nice match making, babe." Wade said, walking up behins his fiancé and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Thanks love." Storm replied, smiling brightly.

A/N: The Nightcrawler in this story is from 'X-Men Apocalypse'. This story is specially dedicated to @KayRay_is_a_quotever ! You got your Nightcrawler story. I really hope you all enjoyed this story. I had a ton of fun writing this. Any who! Have a Rossome day! Buh-bye!

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