11 - Brotherly Advice

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I left the library with Avena and returned back to my grandparents place. I tried to put all the information I had just discovered out of my mind. I could worry about it all later when I tried to make sense of it.

My family was resting in the living room and they greeted Vee and I as we joined them in the living room.

"Next week this family gathering will be back at our place," my mother announced linking arms with my dad.

My grandma and grandpa nodded in agreement. We normally just went to my parent's house in Manhattan but once a month, we all met up in Olympus to have dinner with my grandparents too.

"I wish you all would visit here more often," Psyche complained.

"It's four against three," Logan pointed out as Avena took her seat next to him. "We win by majority. You three should come down to Earth more often."

"I visit you twice a week," Vee protested crossing her arms and moving further away from Logan on the couch.

"Of course babe," Logan said pulling her in close for a hug. She didn't hug him back though as she turned her head away and pretended to pout. "I didn't mean you Vee."

He kissed her temple and she dropped her stance a bit. "Yes, you did you jerk," she said knowing full well who he meant. She had that ability to find out. She punched him in the chest but everyone could tell there wasn't much power behind it. "But you're cute so I'll let it slide."

Logan smiled triumphantly and just kept a tight hold on his girlfriend. I rolled my eyes at their antics but I was smiling on the inside. My family was so cute when it came to love yet sometimes it could be sickening.

"When does Athena want you home Avena?" Eros asked politely. Vee glanced at a nearby heart shaped clock and frowned.

"Soon," she mumbled. "I should probably get going."

"Let me walk you?" Logan suggested.

"Logan," Psyche lectured. "That's quite a far walk from Olympia Lane to Athena's manor."

Logan nodded. "I'm aware."

"Well then you two best be off before we have an angry goddess on our hands," my mom suggested.

The both nodded and quickly said their goodbyes before heading out the door. I excused myself to the bathroom and left my parents and grandparents alone together in the room. Something I learned later was the biggest mistake of my life. After I was finished with my business, I made my way back into the living room but I stopped just short of the doorway to listen in on the current conversation.

"Don't be worried. It's entirely normal for a girl her age to want to choose her own mate in life. If I recall correctly, I believe there was someone else who didn't want to be told who to date," Eros's voice commented.

"What if she misses him before he's gone? I mean, for all we know, he could have already passed her by! She might not get to meet this guy for another hundred years or so!" That was my mother for sure.

"Let her go Peyton," Psyche advised. "If she wants to do this on her own then let her."

"I agree," my dad stated. "Let Evelyn go and be on her own. You've picked on Logan enough don't you think? Can't you give our other kid a break?"

"I'm their mom and I'm related to this guy," Mom replied. "So no. I want to see Evelyn happy and I want to be the one that helps her find the right guy for her. She barely dated in high school and I'm worried about her. What happens when she gets her heart broken? What if neither of us are there when it happens Nate? We won't be able to help her!"

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