Chapter Two-Murder House

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Chapter Two

The Murder House

"They are the hunters we are the foxes...and we'll run."

"You can't wear black. I forbid you." Angela chastised me. I didn't have the energy to respond-I simply stared straight ahead into the mahogany-brown mirror adorning the centre of my bed-room.

"I mean, yeah, it's Halloween but still-you wore black all summer-this is your chance to reinvent yourself. To let people see that you're not some sad, depressed, weird....gothic...creepy...You know, synonyms similar to those."

I gave her a flat stare.

"Thanks, Angela. I get it."

Even though we've been friends for over two months, I still found it weird to be hearing her snide comments without feeling the bite. We were getting ready for the school's annual Halloween party. Let's just say I was not feeling very trick-or-treaty.

Angela had outfits scattered all over the single-bed Ayora owned, trying to help me find the perfect costume for the party. I was content on wearing the black dress I currently had on but-apparently, it was too depressing for her. Soft trip-hop music was playing from my iPod in the background. The weather outside was moody, perfect for October I guess.

The sky was drowned in a soft, surreal violet haze, intermixed and fused with some navy blue. The bare branches wavered in the wind, making me shiver.

"THIS. Oh my god, try it on, it's perfect for your cute little frame; try it on!" She squealed, throwing a velvet-red...thing at me. I gasped, feeling the silky liquid trickle through my fingers. It had gold highlights on the material and below the waist was bunched up quite snugly. I held it against my body in the mirror. My eyes sparkled.

"Yeah...but what would I go as?"

Angela smirked at me, before throwing me a black mask. Examining it, I found that it was shaped and designed into the image of a fox. I grinned.

"How...? Where...did you get this?" I breathed. She smiled at me.

"That's my secret....kitsune."

My grin dropped on hearing the word. Flashing through my mind was the reminder that, my father, who was a kitsune, was now dead; because of me. My biological father; I wiped away the tears quickly before Angela could see them.

I had a long discussion with Ayora about my heritage; which didn't really reveal much. Instead I think I felt more confused than ever. What she did do, was affirm the story of our separation-that is, the story my parents had started telling me, about how I was found in the forest with a couple of wolves. I closed my eyes, flashing back on the memory:

Five Weeks Ago:

"So... tell me what you know; I don't want to waste any time repeating stuff." Ayora told me softly, doe eyes dimmed with sadness. I gripped the porcelain mug in my hand tightly. We were facing each other in her living room; me sitting on the couch and she in a small armchair. A brown mahogany table sat in the centre of the room.

"Well." I started thickly, feeling water prick my eyes.

"According to the story Elder Woodruff told me-" her eyes brightened in recognition.

"Elder Woodruff-you met him?"

"Yeah-when I was at wolvenpraire. He was the only one who had any information on you guys."I informed her, curiosity prickling at my veins. She smiled knowingly, setting her cup down on the table. It left a wet stain.

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