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Willie pov

I got Bria dressed up for tonight, It was only 3 days since I met Cree,and knowing that Bria is going back home in 2 days I wanted to include her in this

Cree was all ready and dressed downstairs, I talked to Bria on her behavior

Then I held Bria hand ,walking downstairs

Cree looked at me and smirked

Cree-aww you look almighty fine

Willie-you don't look bad ya self ma

I licked my lips,and I kissed Cree on the forehead


I gave Bria wet kisses,and she laughed


She reached her hands out at Bria,Cree carried her 

Bria-do my hair

Willie-Baby I did ya hair

Bria-these curls ugly

Willie-you so spoiled 

Cree put Bria hair in a bun,and left the bottom down

I wanted Cree to be mines already to be honest

We all was on the couch,and watched a movie

Cree was thick and she was the type of person to be shy 

I held Cree and started kissing her face

Bria was asleep,and Cree been took her upstairs it was only us

Cree sat o my lap,and I wrapped my arms around her

She fell asleep in my arms,I held her I laid her in my bed

I laid nex to her,I then Bria came ito the room pouting

Willie-It's 3am Bria why are you up

Bria-I wanna sleep here tonight

I sighed

I picked up Bria and laid her right next to Cree

Bria fell asleep,and I then fell asleep

Next Day

It was 3pm and There was a knock on the door, I opened it and it was Trey and I dapped him

When he saw Cree,he gave her a weird look

Trey-watchu doing here

Cree-ya friend like me

Trey-Willie smacked on a folk

Wilie-yep she finna be my wife

Cree-boy shut up

I yelled Bria name,and when she came downstairs she ran straight to her dad

She hugged him,and he gave her a kiss

Trey pov

Me and Bria were now home

Tamias  was at work

Bria was on my phone,and then I looked down at her

Trey-Bria what happened to your wrist


Trey-Bria i know you lying 


Trey-did willie do this to you

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