He's Mine Chapter 2

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Matt’s POV

I watched her walk down the hall and I wanted to chase after her. My wolf was telling me to take her back to the broom closet and mark her before someone else got their hands on her. She was mine and no other guy was allowed to touch her. I’d just been teasing her earlier I was crazy jealous and I’d spent the summer regretting what I said to her. She obviously had moved on but I was going to get her back somehow. I knew how to get a girl to be mine but before that I needed to keep an eye on her. I called my pack in for a meeting in the multi purpose room. “Look you’ve all seen Olivia”, I started out with.

“God she looks hot”, they chorused.

“Well she’s your new alpha female or soon to be and I need you to keep an eye on her wherever she goes”, I ordered.

“Yes alpha”, they agreed.

“No offense dude but this would have been easier if you’d accepted her last year”, my best friend, Kale said, “Before the kitten turned into the jaguar”. I saw Olivia go over to the fountain and she started talking to one of the male student teachers. She was laughing and twirling a strand of her hair thoughtfully. I walked over and tried to act casual.

“Are you using the fountain?” I demanded.

“No so Alaric I thought you moved to Nevada did Vegas get boring that fast”, she asked casually.

“No I got a huge tip for working here from the principal I think she tried to hit on me”, he said thoughtfully. The principal was my mother my dad died six years ago and she’d gotten over it the same was way I did with sleeping around. I didn’t do real relationships in fact this was the first time I’d ever been jealous.

“Yeah speaking of that I’m kind of embarrassed about that last night but it’s partially your fault for handing me two shots of vodka”, she laughed. What happened after the shots? My wolf growled.

“You are a very good dancer when you’re sober so stay that way forever”, he agreed.

“Yeah I have to agree with you Matthew you’re not a camel”, she said looking over at me.

“Done”, I said then went around the corner.

“So have you been seeing anyone new?” he asked calmly.

“Yeah you know Derek”, she nodded.

“Great guy he’s the best surfer on the planet and he’s a gentleman”, he smiled.

“Unlike you after that party making me walk two miles home oh that’s him see you in Spanish”, she waved then turned on the phone, “hey loser what’s up?” “I can’t go back to California tonight it takes me two days to get there but Alaric can give you an update”, she continued, “I know no more vodka shots it was a one time thing”. “Alright bye no you’re hanging up this time I don’t need the lecture about girls being the ones cutting things short next call”, she finished off, “if you don’t I won’t call you again”. As she rounded the corner I grabbed the phone and turned it off. “Great there goes half an hour tomorrow”, she said trying to grab the phone.

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