34. Hormones Kick In

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34. Hormones Kick In: Brody's Pov

Chapter Goal (for an early chapter on Wednesday): 2k votes

QOTC- Netflix vs Hulu

"I'm going home." Char says after a couple moments of silence. Before she heads out the front door, she stops in front of Cade and asks, "Do you want to come over to make brownies?"


"Yeah." my sister answers. "I want to get to know you."

Cade seems taken aback by her words and takes a few seconds to reply. "Sure." he manages to say. As he holds the door open for my sister, I mind-link him, 'Don't tell her about the mating yet, I want to be the one who tells her.'

"Char." I call out after Char. She looks at me, but she doesn't say anything. I can understand why she's acting this way towards me; we talked about what would happen if I found my mate. We talked about whether or not she would be okay if my mate was a man. She told me that she doesn't care about the gender of my mate and that she wouldn't be mad as long as I didn't keep it from her, but I did.

I was planning on making Char the first person to find out about Cade and I, but I backed out of every opportunity I got. I'm not even sure why I was so afraid of telling her that I'm gay. She would accept that fact without even having to think about it. "Char." I repeat, my tone firmer this time. She still doesn't look at me, but I can tell that it was a conscious action because of the way she clenched her jaw. Char isn't naturally defiant, especially when it comes to me.

"We can just walk over there." she gestures for my mate to follow her, continuing to ignore me. "It's just the next house over, Cade."


Charlotte's Pov

"Do you like brownies?" I ask Cade as we leave my brother's house. He holds the door open for me and is careful to not accidentally bump against my body. Whether he's afraid to get to close to me or if it's because I'm pregnant, I don't know.

"Yes, ma'am."

"You don't have to be so formal." I laugh, seeing how stiff he is. Cade awkwardly kicks a rock on the sidewalk and looks down at me, listening to what I have to say. "I want to be friends with you, brownie-making is how we're gonna start."

"Okay." Cade nods, relaxing a little. "Are you... uh, okay with me being with your brother's mate?"

"Of course I am." I truthfully answer with a reassuring smile. "He and I talked about him finding a mate a couple months ago. The only reason I-I'm mad at him is because he waited so long to tell me."

"I asked him if I could meet you, I want to be friends too. But he said to wait." Cade informs me. I open the front door to Xander and I's house and motion for him to come inside.

"I SMELL A MAN!" my own mate shouts from upstairs. In only three seconds, he's standing in front of Cade and I. Xander looks down at the both of us; Cade is about the same height as Brody, but Xander still towers over everyone. It's not fair, pretty much all of the werewolves I know are abnormally tall and I'm here barely over five feet. "Who is this?" Xander glares at Cade, not liking that I brought another man over here. Apparently Brody and Theo are "bad enough".

"This is Cade," I answer, grabbing Cade's hand and leading him to the kitchen. We don't get very far though, Xander growls the instant he sees my hand touch Cade's.

"Mine!" he growls, pulling me towards him. Just like a dog, he holds me close and continues to growl at Cade. "Don't touch."

"Cade is Brody's mate." I explain, my voice muffled because of his chest.

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