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The next day...


I was sitting at my desk reading my new book (the Sidemen book XD) when I heard the doorbell rang downstairs. I got up, setting down my book, I put on a hoodie and walked downstairs.

Simon and JJ were sitting on the coach playing videogames like always. Josh was out on a date with Freya.

Simon nodded at me when he saw me. JJ was focused on the game, I could tell he was trying his hardest to score a goal. The poor lad was losing 7-2 to Simon, bless him.

I walked over to them, "Wow guys, thanks for getting the door. I appreciate it." I joked.

JJ chuckled, still looking at the TV, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Vik I think there's someone at the door." He then stood up, shouting in rage because their match was over and Simon had won. Simon couldn't help but chuckle at his antics.

I shook my head and walked over to the front door, opening it. "Hey Rob." Today Rob was wearing his favorite blue hoodie with jeans and a gray beenie. Only the ends of his hair which he had recently dyed light blue were were visible with it on.

"Yo Vik." He smiled, "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go find some costumes." I shut the door behind me, breathing in the fresh air as I stepped outside and Rob and I walked to the nearby shopping center.

Inside there were all kinds of costumes, small ones, big ones, scary ones, cute ones, along with tons of diverse accessories and junk. After hours of searching and trying on different outfits I wanted to give up on finding the right one, almost none of the costumes they were selling came with masks.

"Here Vik. Try this on." Rob handed me a mask. It was a white phantom of the opera mask.

I put it on, looking at my reflection in a mirrior. It was the first mask I had tried on that really fit me. I really liked it.

There was just one problem, "Um... where's the rest of the costume?"

"Oh don't worry about that. I've got the perfect idea." Rob pat me on the back. "Trust me, it's gonna be great."

"Okay." I took the mask off. "Now we just have to find you a costume."

Rob made a thoughtful face, "Um, I think I'm gonna make mine."

"What? Really?" I couldn't even fix the holes in my clothes.

"Yeah. I like to make clothes in my free time when I'm not drawing or painting." He shrugged like he thought it was no big deal.

"That's amazing man." How did I of all people befriend someone so talented and kind?

He shrugged again, "C'mon. Let's go buy that mask." He nodded to it, "Then let's get out of here."

I looked around the store one last time. My gaze fell on some creepy plastic zombie babies perched on a nearby shelf. I quickly nodded my head, "I couldn't agree more."



I stood infront of the mirror inside my room, smiling to myself. I was wearing a white suit with a golden rose in the pocket along with a black mask.

My mom even went the extra mile and took me to an eye care professional to get fitted for some decorative golden colored contacts.

I'm so thankful that she's doing this all for me but I'm a little worried if we can afford everything.

I pushed the thought to the back of mind and put a smile on my face. There's no need to worry.

I was just nervous, and excited all at once. Mostly excited, I had a feeling I was going to have a lot of fun at the Masquerade on Saturday.


Idk about you but I would love to see Rob dye his hair blue. Idk I think it would look cute.

And Thank you for your support. I can't believe that we got 600 reads. I can't thank you enough.

I really enjoy writing this story and I'm glad you guys like it too. <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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