12. The Start of War

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12. The Start of War

/a.n/ you guys have been so supportive and I've been never happier when reading the comments you left thus, this one's for you amazing people :)

//the deal: seven days left

"Okay, I can't believe that I'm about to say this because I convinced myself that no true man should ever say it but heck, I'm gonna say it anyway because this is too overwhelming."

I let out an annoyed groan as I turn to Austin who's been rambling stupid things ever since we arrived at the airport. He's been overreacting ever since we stepped out of the car. Then again, can't really blame the guy for being excited. This is all very new to him.

I raise an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to say whatever is it he wanted to say with anticipation. He looks at me with his mouth opened and finally say, "O. M. G." Feeling unimpressed, I give him the 'are-you-really' look and turn back around to talk to Greg.

"I'm serious, Hillary! How can anyone not say 'OMG' when they just found out that they have their own private jet because their wife is apparently stinking rich?! I mean, I know that you're rich but having your very own private jet?" He states as he drools upon the silver jet before him.

I spare him a glance to see his reaction because honestly, Austin is quite cute when he's overexcited about something. He's acting like a child in Disney Land right now.

He tore his gaze away from the jet and settles his eyes on me, locking our gaze in the process.

The way his hazels shines with pure excitement makes me reconsider about everything I have, he makes me think that maybe I'm not appreciating what I have for as long as I live. The family, the wealth - maybe I am that lucky compare to Austin. Maybe that was the reason why he insisted that I should make peace with Melinda.

It's because he doesn't have what I have. A decent family. Yeah, Melinda cheated on my father and got divorced. But at least she's trying to make amends now. But Austin's parents? For all that I know, they are far from it.

"You are stinking rich, Hillary!" Austin's loud remark snaps me out of my deep trance and only now I realized that this is the happiest I've seen Austin. He's been smiling for a long time now. Aside from our wedding, this is the best smile I've ever seen on him.

I shake off from my thoughts when I realized that I was staring at him and look away. "Yeah, well..stop making such a big fuss about it. It's embarrassing to watch-" it's really not. "And I thought you said you were mad at me?" I remind him with a confused tone. He replies it with an obnoxious toothy grin.

"Oh, yeah. I still am mad at you. It's just that I'm too excited about this whole thing, I can barely contain it. But keep your toes up, we will be back on bad terms when we get to London," he says casually and I can't help but feel glad that he actually cares enough to give me a heads up. Even though it is a ridiculous one.

"But why can't we be back on bad terms when we step in the plane?" I ask him, trying my chances with him. Austin look down on me over his shoulder with a carefree smile that manages to make my cocky self disappear.

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