Is It True?

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Draco's POV

Something's different today. I can feel it. What's wrong with everyone?

I step into the great hall, watching everyone closely. Most seem to be immersed in conversation, so I shrug off the feeling and head towards the Slytherin table, squeezing into my normal place between Blaise and Pansy.

After a few minutes, I begin to feel eyes on me. Upon looking up, I find Weasley and Granger shooting me dirty looks with cold eyes.

I send them questioning looks, and Granger nods her head towards the doors, indicating for me to meet her out there.

That's when I realise Harry isn't with them. Oh god.

I get up quickly, following Granger outside the doors where she stopped in the hallway and turned, her eyes hard and arms folded.

"What do you have to say for yourself, you filthy snake?!" she erupts, advancing on me each word she says.

I'm dumbfounded.

"What?!" I manage to sputter. "I haven't done anything..? Where's Harry, what happened??"

I've asked too many questions. She's looking at me with rage.

"Shut up, Malfoy. If that's really how it is, then I suggest you go and talk to Harry. He's in his dorm. Go. Now."

Granger avoids my eyes. Something is incredibly wrong.

I don't need to be told twice. I bolt to the Gryffindor dorms as fast as I can, leaving a couple of students looking puzzled at my sudden outburst.

The fat lady gives me a look of disgust, but tough luck for her, Harry gave me the password a while back.

I creep in through the portrait and silently tip-toe through the common room. No one is here, luckily; they're all downstairs having breakfast.

As I reach the top of the stairs, I put a hand out to knock on Harry's door. I hesitate. My heart is pounding. What if Harry hates me?! But I haven't done anything wrong...

C'mon Draco, I tell myself. This is ridiculous, you haven't done anything, and Harry doesn't hate you... right?

It's too late to go back now. My hand is knocking at the door. And I'm waiting.

Slowly, after waiting for a full minute, the door opens shakily. And there he is. My beautiful boyfriend. Harry. But oh no. Merlin, what happened to him?

His hair is disheveled, as if he hadn't slept in weeks, his eyes are red and puffy as if he hadn't stopped crying for hours. Oh god, what happened?

"Harry..?" I croak, terrified. "Baby, what happened? Are you okay?"

Instead of the answer I'm expecting, Harry's eyes turn cold with hate, and it sends a chill down my spine.

"Get out."

That's it. Nothing else. That's all he says. And the door slams in my face.

What the...?

"Harry!" I call through the door. "What the hell Harry, let me in! Talk to me! Have I done something to upset you?"

"HOW COULD YOU?!" Harry's voice pierces through the door and into my heart. I stumble back a bit from shock. What the hell is going on?


No, I don't?

"Harry, what, baby I don't understand-"

"Yeah right," he scoffs.

Harry's voice is cold and I can feel it through the door, the venom laced within it.

"You're lying to me Draco Malfoy, and you've been lying from Day 1! I can't believe you! I HATE YOU!" he screams at me.

I don't know what to say. Oh my god.

"HARRY, PLEASE!" I was screaming at him by this point, "JUST TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG!"



And then I burst out laughing.

I giggle like a maniac as I watch Harry open the door slowly, and peak out from the crack.

"What?" he asks, his voice stiff and gruff from all the crying.

"Harry, seriously?" I ask, shaking my head. "You really think I'd cheat on you with Ron?! Let alone cheat??" I laugh again.

Harry just shrugs his shoulders and refuses to look at me.

Thinking back, he does think it was a stupid accusation.

"Harry, come here," I say to him.

Harry sighs and leans into me as I cradle him to my chest.

"My silly baby boy. I love you, not Ron, not anyone, got that?" I ask him gently.

He sniffs, nodding his head into my chest.

"I love you too," he croaks.

"Who told you this rumour anyway?" I ask, confused.

"Ron himself," Harry answers.


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