Life is Hard

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Stacy POV

Our tour finished and we went back to a room, i see Jacob and the slut making out, i couldn't handle it, but this time i did ; Blake looks at me and then looks at Jacob, I pull my phone out and text him to flirt with me, he winked telling me that this is gonna work "Babe? Can we do a Musically together?" He ask, Jacob stops kissing Lucia and looks at Blake "Since when are you guys dating?" Jacob asks "Mind you're own business." I say going up to Blake, I role my eyes and a musically with Blake.

I didn't really like Blake, I'm not using him just to make Jacob jealous, no, I would never do that. But it just that I like him as a brother, not really my boyfriend.

I went back to my hotel room, I go to the kitchen and there was a kinder bar ; I eat it and go watch netflix. I was about to play the movie but someone knocked on the door "If it's you Jacob then don't come in!" I scream "No! It's Blake!" I hear, I go open the door, there was not only Blake, but Mahogany and Cameron? "We need to talk to you!" Mahogany says "Why what's wrong? Oh, if it's about Jacob, then no and thank you." I say "it is, but it's kind of serious, so please hear us, and we have a couple of questions to ask you." Cameron said "Ugh okay what do you guys want?" I say annoyed.

They ask me a whole bunch of questions that they shouldn't know about, like did Lucia slap you? Or something like that. I told the truth about everything, they even told me if i had some pictures of Jacob and me,I had alot of pictures. I send them the pictures trough text and they said bye and left, why would they ask me for pictures and answers?

Jacob POV

*Next morning*

I wake up because Cameron was yelling at me to wake up "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I yell "We're going somewhere, now wake up!" He yells, I finally get up, go to the bathroom and wear some clothes "Are you ready to go?" He said "Um...yea I guess." We go into Cameron's car and he drives me somewhere "Where are we?" I ask Cameron "Don't worry, just come with me." I follow him trough the darkness and I see a white screen "What i'am gonna do?" I ask Cameron "Stop asking questions, your gonna see, just sit here and focus on the screen." He said and leaves ; I wait one minute and there it starts

"The girl you liked, Is harming herself, sad about herself, feels bad about herself. She doesn't like the way you hurt her feelings, date another girl and let her stay in the darkness. When she sees your smile, she smiles, guess who that girl is,


I hear a man voice say, next a whole bunch of pictures popped up of Stacy and me, a tear drops down my face, I..I was thinking about what and why I did this to such a pretty girl who doesn't deserve this.

"But, those pictures end there, you and Stacy are perfect together, Don't. Let. People. Hurt. Her" I hear the man voice say.

I see a clip of Lucia slaping her, I hear there conversation ; Lucia told her she had 24 hours to break up with me. That's why Stacy said she had to do it. Life is hard for me. For a boy this young. And for a girl this beautiful.

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