19 1 0

We made sure that no one was upstairs anymore.

Quietly, we walk up the stairs, only to see the dead bodies of our parents on the floor.

Micah and Oscar start crying and Draven tries to hold them and calm them down.

Draven's my younger brother and Oscar is my second younger brother and Micah is our youngest sister.

Draven wasn't the comforting and calming type of person but I could see how much he cares about Oscar and Micah


I hold my 3 other siblings to my sides and tell them that it's going to be okay. Even when I know it won't be. It's going to be okay, we're fine, it's all just in our minds. Another white lie.

I help Draven calm Oscar and Micah down. They weren't really calmed down but they stopped crying uncontrollably.

I check the time, it says it's 6:35

To think that mom and dad were just fighting an hour ago and now that they're gone baffles me.

I shake out of the funk and tell my siblings to pack the things they need. I don't know where I'm going with this.

"We leave tomorrow morning. Get some rest" I say, not knowing what to do next.

What am I doing? Leaving the only place we knew about? The place we grew up in?

"Okay" my siblings quietly respond

I go up to my room, lock the door and sit on the edge of my bed.

I start to pack my own needs of survival while thinking about how I'm going to keep my 3 other siblings alive, how I'm gonna convince them that everything's fine. We have no one, nothing, nothing but ourselves. We don't have anyone else to depend on except ourselves.

I'm just a girl, a 19 year old girl who doesn't have friends. Who depends on her family to keep her alive and healthy.

I can't do this on my own.

I need help. From someone.

I can't do this. I can't.

I think for a little while and as I finished packing, I decide to walk out of my room and go to my siblings' rooms

I knock a few times and then open the door

"Are you all okay?" I say

"Yeah, it's just been a little bit hectic, don't you think?" Draven says with the smirk of sarcasm written on his face

"Yeah, are you guys hungry? Want something to eat?" I respond with a giggle

"We'll be fine, we just need a lil rest for tomorrow" Oscar & Draven say to re assure their own doubts

"Well, okay. Get some rest, we're gonna need it for tomorrow, okay Micah?" I said hesitating, trying to sound re assuring

"Yeah, I will" Micah responds

I smile and exit the room

I check the time, it's nearly 9 o'clock

I go to my room to have a rest too.

Who knows what tomorrow might bring.

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