20: Missing

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Everything seems to stop, but then it all starts to spin and I find myself falling to the ground.

"Sweet heart! Are you ok?" My mom practically screams as she hovers over me. Then everything starts turning black and I see nothing more.

~ ~ ~

I wake up on the living room coach and I look over to the clock to see its 8 o'clock in the morning. The sun is shining through the curtains to the left and right of the clock and the piano below it. I try to sit up but lay down again bc everything started spinning like crazy.

My mom apparently saw my struggle and came over to help me sit up again. "Sweet heart, how are you feeling?"

"Better." I say placing my hand on my forehead.

"You need your rest." My mom says stroking my hair lightly.

"No I need to find Nathan... Wait your hair looks different. How long have I been out?" I ask seeing that her hair now has much more gray in it and it's shorter.

"You've been out for a week." My mom responds stroking my hair again.

"If it's been a week why am I at home instead of a hospital?" I straighten even more.

"You actually woke up two days ago but then last night you fell again and knocked out. Apparently it knocked those memories out of your head as well." She says standing up then leans forward and kisses my forehead and says "You need your rest."

I lie back down and try to sleep, but find myself constantly turning over. I finally give up and crawl out of the blankets that once trapped me. I walk quietly up to my room and once I make I close the door. I search my room for my phone but can't find it. I decide to get dressed and go looking around. I put on black jeans, ankle high black tennis shoes, a gray tank top, a navy blue sweatshirt, and then some dark sunglasses. Next I look around for my backpack. I find it behind my bed. It's a very dark navy blue backpack and almost looks black. I'm glad I picked a dark color for it. I pack pens and pencils, a notebook, a map, my fully filled water bottle, a flashlight, extra batteries, duck tape, my wallet, then I go downstairs and grab some granola bars and other easy packed foods.

I walk out the back door and start walking towards downtown. Why downtown? Well I figured it's got a lot of people there and so I can ask them questions on where someone could go missing.

~ ~ ~

I reach downtown about 20-30 minutes later. I started asking around, but no one gave me real good information. So I just kept moving on from one person to the other. For about half an hour I got nothing, but then someone grabbed me and put a sack over my head and practically kidnapped me.

That's where I'm at now. Sitting in a cold, musty room with a sack on my head. I sit in silence wondering what will happen next. Then I hear foot steps but they stop shortly and next thing I see is a shadow in the bright light.

"What do you want with me?" I ask my voice croaking from how dry it got.

"I don't want anything from you." Says the shadow in front of me. It's a familiar voice but I can't place it on a name.

"Then why am I here? Where ever here is?"

"Your here because you were searching for me." The shadow says. This time walking closer to me. I can now see hints of facial features but the face looks beaten and hurt.

"I think your mistaken. I was searching for a very dear friend of mine." I say.

"Yes and I know who your searching for. It's me. You've found me." The shadow says. I still don't recognize him but I know he knows me.

"I was searching for Nathan not a kidnapper." I say accusing him of kidnapping me which he did do.

"I'm no kidnapper. I'm Nathan." He says finally walking right up to my so I can see his face. It is him, it's Nathan. He has a beaten up face with cuts and bruises all along his face, but it doesn't end there he wears a white blood stained tank and his arms are beat up as well. He reaches around me to wear my hands are tied up. His face is now less than an inch from mine. If he wanted he could steal a kiss from me and I'd be helpless to fight it. He doesn't kiss me though only stares at me. Then he grabs a knife from his belt and brings it forwards and around and cuts my hands free.

"A-are you letting me go?" I ask not knowing what to think or do or anything.

He doesn't answer just grabs my hands into his own rugged, battered hands. He then places my hands on his face and he closes his eyes as if I'm a healer or something. A door opens and closes loudly and Nathan opens his eyes and stands letting my hands fall to my lap.

"Nathan it's your turn." Says the mystery man who walked in.

Curiosity gets the best of me and I speak before I can stop myself saying "His turn for what?" The mystery man walks right up to me. He's a tall gray haired man with big muscles everywhere. I recognize him from somewhere too. I can't remember exactly where but it was from some kind of photo.

"His turn for day time beating."

"Oh..." I say looking down at my hands hoping he'll just walk away.

"How about we give this girl a preview of what comes for her future." He says motioning two guards. The two guards grab one of my arms tightly and drag me to the day time beating. They force me to sit down in a chair by a table filled with weird looking tools. The tools look really dirty but it could be just the lighting. In the middle of the room is a strand of chains hanging from the ceiling. Then I see Nathan being dragged in with only ripped up jeans on. His chest is fully exposed. He's dragged to the middle where the light is brightest. They pull the chain down and connect his cuffed hands to the chain. They then tug on the chain pulling Nathan up making him grunt from the pain of his battered arms being tugged at. I can now see his whole chest clearly. It's fit but covered with dry blood and strange cuts and many bruises. He's been beaten up daily, and now I know what all the dirty tools are for.

"You ready to be part of the missing club?" Says the mystery man.

"What?" I ask confused and scared of what he means.

"Your going to become missing soon and then we" he motions to the few men, but tough men, standing around all holding some kind of torture weapon, "get to have fun with ya." He says giving me the evilest grin ever. I then realize where I've seen him. At the police office on the Wanted billboard.

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