When Everyone Hates You

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Chapter 2

                I woke up. It had been a week since Mason nearly chocked me to death. I had not left the house since. The remnants of the bruising around my neck had long since disappeared and a couple of days after the incident my voice returned to normal.

                My dad had been so angry. It took all of both my mum’s and my skills to stop my dad from tearing Mason apart even if right now I wouldn’t have minded if that had happened. I had took the chance to catch up on all of assignments and revision. My exams were now a couple of months away but I always took the time I could get.

 Today was the first day in which I was going to school after the whole incident. I knew I was going to get all sorts of looks. The pack would hate me even more. I heard that Mason had gotten punished in front of the whole pack. Jackson had disrespected him in front of the whole pack.

                For an Alpha or Alpha to be this was the worst kind of humiliation you could get. Their wolves would always feel humiliated and would resign from us for a couple of months before they would fully co-operate with us. Mason probably didn’t have his wolf with him right now which made the situation a lot worse.

                Serves him right the stupid bas-

                Alexandria! No swearing. What do I tell you about this?

                Sorry Elouise but come on. You have to admit he is?

                I laughed. I loved my wolf. She was the inner rebellious side of me that I wished I could be more like. Someone who wouldn’t take things as personally. I wish I could be more like Alexandria.

                No. You shouldn’t be more like me. You already are like me. We are one Elouise remember that. You already have the feisty side within you. You are just waiting to use it. Trust me.

                I sighed. Maybe she was right but right now I didn’t feel any ounce of confidence. Where was this rebellious side right now? Yeah. It wasn’t here. I slid out of bed and did my usual morning routine. Somehow, god knows how I did it, I managed to get myself somewhat presentable.

                I was in some skinny jeans a t-shirt and a baggy hoodie which concealed all of my figure. I had a little make-up on to hide the bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I looked a mess and no one could deny it.  

                I stumbled down the stairs dumping my school bag near the front door. I made it into the kitchen to find a bacon sandwich in my place. My dad was sat at the table reading the paper and my mum was sat down with a cup of tea in her hand.

                I sat down and silently began eating my food. I did not utter a word. I didn’t want to. I was dreading today. The whole pack would judge me for what happened to Mason. I noticed my parents look at me with regret in their eyes.  I hated seeing them like this. They blamed themselves for not having done more. Yet, they had nothing to be sorry for. My life was chosen for me. They could do nothing but watch.

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