A "Love" Triangle?~❥

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❦~Chapter 2~❦

Suga's POV.

When we followed our new seonsaengnim into our assigned classroom, the first person I landed my eyes on was a girl sitting by the windows with brown shoulder length hair with hipster glasses that made her look gorgeous to my eyes. As we introduced ourselves to the class, I kept my eyes on her and quickly turned away whenever she would look at me.

As soon as the our seonsaengnim told us to pick our seats, I took my chance to get to the empty seat behind the girl. The other girls in the class were always screaming whenever one of us passed, but I just ignored them.. Not to be mean or bragging or anything, but this happens so often that I got used to it.

"Annyeong! Suga-ibnida! I hope we will become great friends!" I said when I passed her.

"A-a-annyeong! Call me Nari.." She stuttered softly, as if whispering. I could she her face getting red... She's so cute.

I walked past her and quickly sat down in the seat behind her.

Throughout the rest of class time, I couldn't keep my eyes off her... Even if I'm just staring at her back the whole time XD. I really hope I get to know her more throughout my time here.

Bona's POV

I was talking with my group of girlfriends as we are the most popular girls in this high school. Just then, a group of boys just entered our classroom with our seonsaengnim... Who are these boys anyways? Transfer student? Well who cares? At least they're really attractive, that's for sure.

Hmmm... Who's the grey haired one? Said his name was uhhh... Suga? Something like that. He's perfect... Before the end of this semester, I shall make him my boyfriend... No boys could resist me. ~.~

I was watching him the whole time, but he kept his eyes locked on the nerdy girl... What's her name again? Nara? Nari? I don't know. Do they know each other or something? Impossible! He just transferred here! But why can't I get his attention?

Just great! After they introduced themselves, he went straight towards the seat behind her... BUT THERE'S AN EMPTY SEAT RIGHT NEXT TO ME! ANY BOY WOULD WANT TO SIT THERE! Instead, the guy named something like... Rap Monster? Is that what he calls himself(?), sat down in that seat. UGHH! I have to somehow get this girl... Nari(?) out of the picture between me and this hottie, Suga.

Author's Note:
Heeheehee...;D This is only the second chapter, and looks like trouble is brewing! What do u think is going to occur next? Thx for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter (it's still sorta short, but I promise it'll get better) ^•^

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