Stalker or Friend?

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I ran into school trying not to trip on my heels, and headed to English. Before I could I had a strange feeling. You know that feeling you get when someone or something is watching you.. Well that was the feeling I was experiencing right now. I looked around only to see a guy, a very good-looking guy, walking behind me. Was he following me? He noticed I was looking and quickly turned away, but before he could leave I pulled his shoulder pulling him round. We spoke and after a while I found out his name was Cameron and he was hoping that if he followed me, he would find where to go. I was guessing he was new to the school seeing as if he came here already I would recognise him and he would know where his lesson is. I took Cameron to the office and waited for him to finish getting everything he needed for the day. By the time we had finished it was break, everyone was rushing out of their lessons and the canteen was filling up.

 Me and Cameron were talking and laughing while walking to the canteen when I heard a voice behind me, knowing who it was straight away I turned round saying "What can I do for you Jen?" She kept arguing with me telling me she was left in English without me and had to sit behind Amber and Cole while they were talking about prom, even though it was a few years away... That girl is so oblivious... While she was moaning about Amber being a slut and Cole being a little so and so.. the two decided to pay us a visit.

I told Jenny to shut up, but before she could ask why, I simply said "Devil spawns" under my breath. She turned around and was face-to-face with Amber. "What do you want?" Jenny confidently asked. "I was coming to meet the new boy, even though he should have been with us in the first place. Cole baby why isn't he hanging around with you?" She smirked at Cameron in a flirty way and I have to admit I was getting agitated by her already.

I looked at Cameron seeing he was already looking at me, and shook my head. He looked back at Amber and cleared his throat before saying "Thanks but no thanks for your offer. I would rather stay with Jade. Now we have to go." Pulling my arm and leaving Jenny, Amber and Cole standing there looking shocked.

Cameron looked back and started asking who they were and why they were still standing there staring at us. I told him about their 'Reputation' and by the look on his face I  could see he knew what I was talking about.

We found our class and knocked on the door, Mr Jones called out and told us to come in. We walked in and I told sir about how Cameron was new and I was helping him and showing him around. He sat Cameron next to me seeing as Jenny wasn't in this lesson with me, and I may be a loner that has no one sitting next to her. 


It was now lunch and every lesson me and Cameron have been together, laughing and joking about the other people in our stupid school. We had just started talking about how bad we actually don't like Amber and Cole when Cameron just suddenly said 'Speak of the devils...' under his breath but just loud enough just for me to hear. 

Within a few seconds Amber and her 'squad' were standing next to the table. Once again she was asking Cameron to go and sit with her and her friends, but he just said no. If I'm going to be honest.. I wouldn't expect anyone to say no to Amber. Except me and Jen, no-one has ever said it to her. Right now Cameron was commiting social suicide.

Whispering from the other students was getting a little too loud. I got up, took my bag and art folder and barged past Amber and her possy. I heard Cameron calling my name behind me but I couldn't look back. I ran as fast as a could out the doors but ran straight into Corinne and Deanna. These girls knew everything about me. Even more than Jenny. So they knew something was wrong and they knew what it was.

They didn't question me much after asking if I was okay and wanted to talk. I obviously said no. When I knew I needed to tell someone, but right now, not even the two closest people in my life could know.


I slammed the front door shut as I chucked my heels on the floor of the living room. Next thing I know I had my 3 brothers standing over me asking what was wrong.

I tell people too much about me. I cant get away from all the things I have told people. Well. I always have Rugby.


Okay.. School is officially ruining my life. I physically can not explain how much I have to do! The only thing helping me through is music and of course my amazing friends. Anyways I'm trying to get as many chapters written so i can just log on at school and publish them.

There are two more characters added now, so after a few more are added (which is planned) there will be another character introduction/Meet the characters!

Please be reminded that this story and its characters are not based on anyone in RL.

Don't forget to vote/comment and give me your feedback!

- Jade xox

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