Pregnant? {11}

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Chloe's POV

I wake up and my head is throbbing so much, I rub my eyes. We really shouldn't have drunk all that alcohol last night. I look on the floor and clothes are every where. That explains last night.

Did we have sex? It's all so blurry and hazy, and I can't remember exactly what happened. I look around the floor for any sign that we did make love but I can't find a condom wrapper.

"Joe! Joe!" I whisper and he slowly opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"What baby?" He asks, his voice is croaky and hoarse and I smile for a minute at how adorable he looks. But then I remember the more important thing.

"Did we have sex? And if we did, did you use protection?" I ask and suddenly he looks scared.

"I didn't... Chloe..." He gets up and starts pacing round the room while I sit on the floor and try and think of the outcomes of this.

Am I pregnant?

I get out my phone and search how long it will take till I can take a test and have it accurately tell me if I'm pregnant. The first result tells me that if I wait six days I can have a blood test. I suppose now it's just a waiting game.

[Six days later]

I walk out the GP's office with a smile on my face, one that I can't wipe away. Joe is sat in the waiting room looking nervously at me but he smiles when he sees me.

"So...?" He asks me and all I can do is nod in happiness before I burst into tears. I'm pregnant. In nine months, a little person is going to come out of me!

Joe hugs me tightly and I can see the tears in his eyes as he kisses me on the forehead.

"I'm so happy Chloe, I know this is all going so fast. But I love you so much. I know I want to be with you forever," he whispers to me and I begin to cry even more. I wasn't sure how Joe would take the news but this is the best possible reaction he could have.

I've always wanted a family of my own, I suppose since my parents died I have always craved a family. And now I'm starting one with a man who I love more than anything.

"This baby is going to be spoiled!" I tell Joe as we leave the GP and he laughs loudly.

I know we're going to be great parents. I just know it.

So Chloe is pregnant! I wonder how this is going to change their relationship! Please remember to vote and comment :)

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