Bath With Blood

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2. Chapters. Left.

I'm crying.

Scott hadn't expected to see what he had when he got to the house. He hadn't planned on having to go to hospital. He hadn't planned on staying up until 4:00 in the morning at home, worrying. He hadn't known that it would have caused the boy to be asleep for days, and possibly weeks if it came to it.

It just wasn't how this day was supposed to be planned.


"You should wake up soon." Scott says while holding onto the boys hand. "I hate hospitals, and you probably will too after this experience." The door opens, a nurse popping in her head and quickly leaving again. She was probably checking on him, to make sure nothing was going wrong or anything.

"It's been a long time since I saw you at your house. Like almost a whole day. About 18 hours. You should probably wake up." Scott says, knowing he wasn't heard. Speaking was the only thing keeping Scott from losing it, acting like the boy could hear him especially when he knew he couldn't hear one word he was saying.

"You're really scaring me. I don't want to have to go to school while you're like this. It's scary to me." The boys hand twitches. The door opens again, but this time the nurse comes in. She smiles at Scott, watches as he gets up from his seat and walks over to her. "Is it time?"

"I'm sorry. You can come visit tomorrow, I'm see he would appreciate it." She says.

"I'm sure he would."

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"He was, but not anymore." Scott says, a shy smile on his face. "Now just really good friends."


"How is he?" Kirstie asks. Scott didn't know what to say, because he honestly didn't know.

"How is he? Well, last time I saw him he was unconscious in his bath with blood covering his whole body. Now he is in a hospital, still yet to wake up, cuts and bruises all over his body. So I'm not quite sure." Kirstie's head lowers, leveling her eyes to the ground. Scott hadn't meant to be that rude, but he was tired and so emotional. And Kirstie understood, so she didn't confront him about it.

"I'm sorry. I know how hard this is for you." Kirstie says, an uneven but yet honest tone in her voice.

"Yeah. It really is." Scott says, unable to produce any tone in his voice other than a raspy and tired mess.

"Have you told anyone? Other than me, I mean." Kirstie asks, still not making eye contact with Scott.

"No. I think Avi and Kevin are getting suspicious, though. I mean, who wouldn't? I've been a complete mess."

"You haven't been a mess, just not yourself lately." Scott looks at Kirstie, a look saying: are you kidding? "I'm serious, Scott."

"I'm tired, Kirstie. I want to go home." Scott says honestly.

"You are not in the right place to be driving right now. Please stay the night. I won't stay in the room with you, just please don't drive."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not. Trust me." Kirstie says. "Please don't. Do this for me. If you crash, I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I let you leave like this." Scott looks around reluctantly.

"I'm doing it for you, not for myself because I know I'm fine." Scott says and sets his belongings back down. Kirstie nods and grabs a blanket and other necessary items for Scott to sleep before leaving the room to Scott for himself.

He was frustrated and tired and just wanted everything to go away. Kirstie was friends with him too, but didn't seem to be as affected as Scott was. Maybe it was because he had known him longer, maybe it's because they had relations that went further than friends. Scott hadn't known, but didn't understand how she was so calm and unaffected by it.

Maybe she was just trying to be calm for Scott's sake and was trying to hold in her emotions for until she was away from him, to be there for him when he needed her.

He finds his head burying into the pillow. His eyes wanted to close and to fall asleep, but he couldn't bring himself to. He was scared of what lied when he was asleep. Nightmares, bad news happening that he couldn't be informed of. He wasn't ready to face the horror of sleep, because the worst things can happen to you when you sleep, whether you want it to or not. And you can't control it, because sleep was its own type of thought, and it made you think of the worst things at the worst times.

The time kept flying by. What started at 10:00, soon became 4:00, which left the boy with only 3 hours of sleep before he had to get up and head home to get ready for school. He had no time for sleep anymore. After school, he would head back to the hospital to check on the boy, see if he was getting worse or miraculously getting better. He couldn't handle two deaths in a year, even if the first one he hadn't really had many emotions about.


Scott's eyes didn't close when he wanted, or needed, to sleep, but when he needed to stay awake to avoid a detention of referral.

It was hard to keep himself awake, especially when all he heard was different formulas being spat from his math teachers mouth in the background. Kirstie had smacked him a few times, keeping him up, but she eventually gave up.

Scott couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. His head was down, and his eyes were shut, but he couldn't tell if his mind was awake or asleep. Sometimes he felt like it was both, or maybe he had just wanted it to be both and made himself believe it.

"Scott." He hears Kirstie say. "You have to wake up."

"Sorry." Scott sputters, lifting his head up.

"You have to let this stop bothering you, honey. He will be okay."

"Sure." Scott says.

"I'll leave you alone, but I have one question."


"Have you even told Mitch that Alex was in the hospital?"

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