I | Woodsmoke and Fir Trees

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Hey, guys! Welcome to my (first) story. Hope you enjoy!

Kaia had stopped being afraid of the dark a long time ago. One day, she'd woken up thirsty in the middle of the night and quietly walked through the dark, creaky house, forgetting to flip on all of the lights she usually did. She didn't need them.

She'd learned that there were much better things to fear than the dark.

Looking back, she couldn't remember exactly when it was that she'd stopped sleeping with the shades open so that the moonlight could glide into her room, illuminating her pillow and keeping her safe. It had happened sometime after Kaia's mom had died.

Like Kaia said, there were better things to fear than the dark. Like death. Like loneliness. 

Kaia shivered even though she had a cup of warm hot chocolate snug between her hands. She took a sip to shake off the rest of the strange feeling that had washed over her.

She'd been feeling off all day, thinking about grim things. But that was to be expected. It was the anniversary of her mom's murder. She was sitting alone in her usual coffee shop, listening to music and pretending the world didn't exist for a moment. She needed a break from Cole and her dad. Hot chocolate and music was the solution.

She'd had that dream again, the same one that she always had around this time of the year. The world grew cold, and so did Kaia's heart. She was tired of it. The dream just made things hurt more. It wasn't the usual ones she had. It felt like a series of emotions passing by each other. A love the sort she'd never known. A sharp blade of anger. An empty, echoey pain. The darkness she experienced every time she had that dream was painful to look at, somehow blinding despite being devoid of any light. 

Kaia's phone lit up, vibrating her rickety little table. She squinted at the screen. A message from 'Papa.'

Get home, or I'm coming to get you.

Kaia sighed. He would, too. He knew where she was, always did. So much for a break. She shook her head, staring at her pale hands. She wished to whoever was listening that she'd one day be able to pry the world open with those hands and dig out the treasures it had to offer. She wanted to live

But such a feat seemed hard when she had a dad who barely let her outside. Having someone you love murdered...changes you. 

Kaia took one last sip of her hot chocolate and set the mug down, gathering her things. Homeward bound, it was. She popped her earbuds out and tucked them away in her pocket, pulling her black scarf up over her ears to keep warm. It wasn't like New Mexico got too cold, but when you were up in the mountains, the winters could be nippy.

It was twilight now, Kaia's favorite time of the day. It was always quiet by then. The world was usually loud, but at twilight, it would shut up just enough for Kaia to get a little peace and quiet.

Living, for Kaia, was slow. She was homeschooled, rarely went out, and didn't like going to crowded areas. Her dad had asked her if other people made her nervous, but it wasn't anything like that. More than nervous, Kaia just felt disinterested. But...the world is beautiful if you look at it closely. Maybe she wasn't trying hard enough. 

Kaia's pace slowed along the sidewalk. She'd have to cross the road up ahead but was in no rush. Her dad would have her head when she got back for staying out so late, but she didn't particularly care. She loved him for trying, but he'd changed after Kaia's mom died. He'd gotten distant like he didn't know what to do with Kaia or Cole now that he didn't have anyone to share the burden. And it wasn't like she had been particularly close to him before. Kaia had always been her mom's daughter. 

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