Fred Weasley x Rei

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(A/N Soon we will reach the one year anniversary of this story! That's a huge milestone for me, committing to something like this for so long. I'm so happy with all the time I've spent writing these oneshots, and I'm just taken aback with all the great feedback I've been getting. Thank you all so much! I think celebrations are in order, but I'm not sure what I should do to properly celebrate this occasion. What do you all think I should do?)

Requested by: ReiSuzugamori

Music echoed from behind the doors, penetrating even the thick walls of the great hall. Rei suddenly felt embarrassed in her long gown. As the doors opened for the tournament champions to enter and begin the dancing, she half expected the four long tables to still be sitting in their place. The Great Hall felt empty without them, even with the tall Christmas tree and vast crowd of people. They had always been so big and permanent, and with the memory of countless mornings and afternoon eating casually with her peers at those tables her long, expensive dress felt out of place. She looked around at the other girls in the hall, their gowns brushing against the gown as they shuffled in anticipation for the dance to begin.

The four champions walked across a strip free of the crowd, their dates resting at their arms. Harry Potter's date bashfully smiled at all the watching people, casting a wave to her sister who stood to the side on Ron Weasley's arm. Ron stood in a small spot of red, where he and his siblings were waiting on the side. Rei entered behind the champions and left to the side where she could see the Weasley twins grinning quietly to themselves. She approached to George's side and he nodded and smiled to her, then looked back at the champions dancing then to his brother beside him, who had Angelina on his arm. 

"Sorry I left without you," George leaned down to whisper in Rei's ear.

"Sorry for being late, Leah needed my help."

"Is she nervous?" George grinned, knowing that Rei's roommate had been attending the date with her long time crush. 

"Of course, are you?" She smirked.

"Never," He said, looking up as others began to join the champions on the dance floor. "I'm never rattled." He stepped in front of Rei and bowed down to set his head to her level and offer his hand.

She took it, noticing from the corner of her eye Fred and Angelina had already begun dancing. She turned away and spent her attention on George as they too danced. 

"Are you nervous?" George laughed quietly, barely louder than the slow music. 

"Of course not, I'm only dancing with you."

"Only? You underestimate me." He set his hand on the small of her back, sending a chill up her skin as his skin touched it through the open gap. His other hand gripped her hand and his dipped her down to the ground. 

She flushed red, the same color as her dark hair as it brushed against the ground and she gripped George's hand tightly for fear of falling. He smiled brightly and pulled her up quickly. She welcomed the feeling of rising up, and even helped him by pushing herself up. She regretted it instantly when her face was near touching his when they stood straight again.

"What was that?" She whispered breathlessly, moving away from his face and to the side. 

He leaned towards her ear. "Fun," He said and shrugged slightly.

"You're ridiculous." Rei laughed. 

He rolled his eyes. "Took you long enough to figure that out."

The music suddenly changed, and she was happy to have the loud beats filling the room with the sounds of people jumping and dancing. She was not so happy with her long dress, tripping her more times than she liked as she tried to join in the crazy dancing. George caught her each time and she was thankful, knowing in her heels she probably couldn't catch herself. Even with the impossibly tall heels, she still didn't reach his height. When she finally got sick of bumping into people and tripping, she dragged George over to the table with food and drinks. He didn't seem all too upset with leaving the dance floor, a large grin never leaving his face. 

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