Chapter 8

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Kalani's POV:
We finally arrived home. We were all at the door. "Who wants to knock?"Farkle asked.
"Ill do it"Maya said knocking.
in a few minutes, Cory opened the door." Welcome back guys!"he said excited hugging all of us.
We walked inside to be greeted by a bunch of people throwing balloons.
I wasint really in a party mood, I just wanted to be in my room, and well cry.
"Kalani there's someone looking for you" Topanga said.
She pointed as I looked. There standing was Josh laying his back on the wall looking around.
"I dont wanna talk to him"i say rapidly.
"Youve been ignoring him, dont you think its time Kalani?"she said.
"I havent been ignoring him, I just havent had time to pick up hus calls or text him Topanga, I cant deal with talking to him, at least not now"I say.
I look over to Josh and he now was staring at me.
I sigh. "Do I?".
Topanga nods.
"Fine "I groan.
I slowly walk towards Josh. As I reached him I layed my back down on the wall besides him.
"Hows life?"I ask.
"Why? "I look at him.
He looks at me with hurtful eyes. "Because your not in it".
"Josh, stop, I-I cant deal with this now"I say.
I was about to walk away when he speaks again.
"You know how much I care for you Kalani, I know you care for me too your just confused on which guy to choose"he says.
I like Josh, but I like Lucas.
"LEAVE ME ALONE"I shout. People start to stare.
"Kalani, youll have to make a decision sooner or later, why not know?!"he demands.
I start to cry. "im trying to forget everybody, you and Lucas, my friends, I just wanna die, I dont know why its so important on who I decide, your love can wait ok"I run off outside.
I knew someone was folliwing but I wasint so sure who.
I ran up to the attic and as I got there I stopped and looked out to the city.
I began to scream and let all my emotions out. I then stood there crying into my hands.
All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn around suprised. I see Lucas standing there.
"Dont people get to leave me alone? "I say rudely.
"Im sorry, but what you said stuck to my head, you wanna get rid of me? I was over here thinking you liked me".
"Lucas please not know"i say crying.
I go over and sit on the bench. He comes over and sits next to me.
I look up at the cold night sky. I shiver a bit.
"Here take my jacket".
"Its fine thank you though"i say giving it back to him.
He didint listen to me and put it over my shoulders.
"Thanks, arent you cold?"I ask.
"Yeah, but its ok".
We stayed there sitting in complete silence until he spoke up.
"So you wanna get rid of me?".
I looked at him. "No, theres just allot of drama, Maya likes you, Riley too, then Josh, Maya hates me,you, Im confused" I sigh.
"I thought you and Maya were friends?"he raised an eyebrow.
"She lied"i murmerered. "She told me to pretend we were alright, she apologized to look good with you guys, but wants me to get away from you and Josh"i say. "Please dont tell her or anyone Lucas".

"I wont, but why is she doing this? ".
"Lucas you almost kissed her".
"You saw that? "He sighs.
"I was behind the bushes".
"It was... I dont know, it was in the moment, im stuck between all of you Kalani" he says.
"Why dont you decide?".
"Its hard"he says slowly.
"See, now you know how I feel Lucas, nice talk"I say getting up and start to walk away.
I feel an arm stop me.
"Lucas stop"I sigh. "Ive had enough".
"But I think I chose"he says.
"Good for y-you"i wipe a tear.
He spins me around. His hand on my waist. I flinched as his hand grabbed onto me.
Nobody has huggee me like this before.
"Its you"he says.
I felt his breath on me as his lips were inches away from mine.
He kept leaning in but then stopped. "Now its your turn to decide"he whispers in my ear. He then walks away to go downstairs.

Leaving me upstairs alone with nothing but his jacket in my hand and crazy butterflies in my stomach.

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