Chapter fourteen: The enemy shows his power

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Raven was driving as fast as she could. Raven unexpectedly flipped the car upside down. Raven awoke in a dark room bound to a chair. Raven couldn't see anything, but the smell of blood hit her nose. She almost threw up at the strong smell of blood.

"Good afternoon, Raven. I knew I would find you if I went after one of your friends, "The stranger said, holding Raven's hair.

Raven yelps in pain, feeling the hair being pulled out. "How do you know my name," Raven asked, scared to talk to the man.

"I am a friend of your mom's. You see, I am Sara's brother. When she died, your mom came to me. She and I were more than friends. For many years we were dated when we got married. We'd gotten married. We had been together for fifteen years. Until you kill her, you bitch " The man snarled.

The man then came up to Raven and punched her in the stomach. The purple-haired woman coughed up blood. Raven tried to breathe, but it was hard. "How does it feel, Raven? How does it feel being able not to live? " The man asked, looking at Raven.

Raven began to laugh weakly, "Boy, you're pathetic."I killed my mother because she was hurting my children. Oh, and I know your kind of monster. You are a werewolf, and I know your weakness, which is a silver knife, "Raven said, smarting off. Luckily, Raven still had her silver knife with her.

Raven quickly cut the rope that tied her hands together. She then kicked the man with all the strength she had and cut him with the knife. As soon as he was on the floor screaming, Raven ran, then closed the door, locking it behind her.

Raven ran and ran until she couldn't anymore. She soon collapsed due to being tired and injured. "Raven, where are you?" Jake yelled, looking for his wife. 

The purple-haired woman could only scream. The scream scared Jake but got his attention. Jake soon ran to his loving wife. As soon as he saw her on the ground, she was bleeding, shaking, and crying. "J-J-Jake, is that you?" Raven asked weakly, trying to calm down.

"Shh, baby, calm down. I am here for you. Just breathe for me." Jake stated that while trying to comfort Raven, he noticed her bleeding side." Raven, you are bleeding badly. What happened to you, sweetheart? " Jake asked, looking at Raven, who was calming down.

"I was in a car accident, then I was kidnapped and tortured while unconscious, but I'm fine now," Raven said, grabbing her bleeding side.

"Honey, baby, how are you doing?" " Now that you're safe, let's get you home and take care of you," Jake said, picked up Raven, and started to carry her home.

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